

Kill her part 1
The wind, the breeze, flow of air was crossing her ears, and voices that won't stop, voices wanted her to do something again,
*you said so*
*you should do it*
*She is a cunt*
*She deserves it*
the voices continued.
"Olivia! Olivia! Olivia!!!"
Mr.Mikael said, Brother of Olivia's Husband.
after Mikael screamed her name the third time then Olivia stopped listening to the voices and looked up to Mikael sitting on the Sofa beside her.
"Yes! Sorry I was taken away."
Olivia replied in a shock.
"Its okay it's your husband and my brother's funeral today you must feel exhausted, I am sorry I don't know why he did that."
*You need it*
*You need to do it*
"Oh sorry, what?"
Olivia again spoke in a shock,
"Nothing I was asking why did Simon Jump off the roof leaving you and the children lonely for the rest of your lives."
Mikael spoke hesitantly.
"Well he was depressed, and I was unable to understand what he was going through, if I would have been there for him at the right moment none of this would be happening right now."
Olivia replied in a grieving voice.
"You know very well that you need not worry because what he did was his decision not yours. It is not your fault don't blame yourself. Also the Guests are in the Hall downstairs the house is large, as my brother was always fond of spending money in luxuries at least that way his own funeral is filled with mischievous people. The people who only want to see the deed for themselves that if you are now the new owner of the industries then who would you align with many companies owners are here waiting for you downstairs, I know this is hard but sitting in your bedroom upstairs won't solve your problems now you will need to deal with your husband's mistakes."
to be continued,...........