

Always My Luck pt 2
so October came around and I had Elemina. I was living the life I never thought I would live. you see my boyfriend, Timothy also had three older children from a previous marriage and the youngest was 6 and that is Autumn. his oldest is Austin and his middle child is Brenden. brendedn had alot of mental difficulties which was mostly dealing with anger and ADHD. he hated the fact that I was with his dad. he always thought that I was gonna take his dad away from them and then when I had Elemina it got worse. he tried to become physical by throwing things around and hitting himself and banging his head on hard surfaces. well Brenden was getting help. their mother was a constant disappointment to them. saying she will get them for a weekend and never hear from her for a couple months. but everything was going alright for the most part. we made it work. I mean I was 22 and I was a mother of 6 kids! I was overwhelmed to say the least but I handled it. we handled it.
well, I'm not gonna get into alot of details with this but child services came into the picture. Timothy's ex called them due to Brenden telling her that he hit him. mind you.. we never hit our kids, we spanked them. like everyone in the world has been spanked and does spank their child for misbehaving. anyway long story short, his kids we taken and their cousins on the mothers side got custody. well we were trying to move on seeing as there wasn't anything else we could do.
we ended up moving and was dealing with what life threw out way. well Brandon ended up getting really mad die to me not letting him see William or Lyndsie and kept calling child services saying I was a bad mother. well...all the agencies in sanilac county knew about Brandon and so the reports were not dealt with. until the tenth time came around and then they were like well it's been this many times calling for basically the same thing we will investigate. it was 8:30pm when Gladys called me telling me I had to take my children to the ER for a check up due to reports being filed. I told her that the kids just got ready for bed and I'll do it in the morning as soon as they wake up. I told her that cuz I knew there wasn't anything to worry about and I wasn't dragging my kids out that late just to go 20 minutes to a hospital for God knows how long. she then preceded to tell me that it has to be know or the cops were coming to escort her and the kids there. so we ended going, of course. who wants to deal with more cops when I've already dealt with so many due to Brandon's abuse.
we get to the hospital and Gladys is waiting for us as well as the hospital staff and a cop. the nurse takes the kids into a room with the cop following her as the doctor examines them. I absolutely hated not being there! well Gladys took me into another room down the hall as Tim had to wait in another. she asked a whole bunch of questions and I answered honestly and truthfully cuz I just wanted to take my babies home and go to bed. well I admitted I spank my children and raise my voice, sometimes yelling, and calling them little brats sometimes. well after about a half hour the doctor comes and talks with Gladys. what I was told is that he found a red mark on her butt that was gonna turn into a bruise. also was told that Lyndsie had scabies from bed bugs. well I admitted that I spanked her at dinner that night and then ten minutes later she slipped and fell in her chair on the armrest which was made of solid oak. and as for the scabies I told them what her doctor told me they were when I first noticed them, which was eczema. I had really bad eczema as a child so I didn't worry about it. well let's just say I wasn't able to bring my children home with me that night. I needed to call my step father to pick them up, by this time it was already 10pm and they were so tired and my stepdad, Joe, lived 30 minutes away. well when I loaded them into his car and said my goodbyes for the night( while the cop was standing next to me) I watched them drive away. Gladys then needed to talk to me some more and at this point I was pissed and emotional. she told me that they will stay at Joe's for now until she discussed everything with her boss and that I needed to pack some things for them for a couple days and take them to Joe.
well I didn't sleep that night. morning rolled around and at 9am, Joe called saying that they were on their way to come get the kids. lets just say I flew over there. all the while I was calling Gladys. well I finally got ahold of her and demanded to see my children. she told me due to saftey she can't allow that. if I wanted to see them and say goodbye I have to meet them at the agency. we got there and I see my babies crying. it broke my heart. I had to say goodbye to them and I didn't know how long it was gonna be. Lyndsie kept asking to come home to play with her frozen dolls. William just kept saying mama and Elemina was just crying cuz she absolutely hated carseats. after what seemed like no time at all I was told I had to go. I had to leave my babies... I was a mess. I was a very angry mess.
have to stop and write more later
© Lavina Rose