

who am i
One day I realized I have no clue who I was. I thought more experience in the world would find me some answers, some clarity into the person I am. I felt I needed this inorder to be the best person I could be, because how can we be happy with anyone else until we can be happy with ourselves? This was what I thought I needed. Although there are thing very intriguing in the world that my curious mind pulls to, my eyes widen in new discoveries, I feel the excitement brought on by said discoveries! But when I look into my daughters eyes I see the excitment her new eyes express by every thing she sees! I see her looking at me with her big beautiful eyes, smiling ear to ear by even the simplest of things, because to her new eyes she is seeing this for the first time. Through witnessing her discovering everything around her, is when I realized that this is all I needed to find! I am a mom, by no means the best mom that ever lived, but she doesnt look down on me for my flaws, she looks to me with love, acceptance and excitment. How could I think that I could find anything more about myself then who I find/am when im with her? This is perfection at its best, this is what truly makes life worth living, this is all I need!!

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