

Haunting thoughts
Movies kinda haunt me. Every movie that I watched so far has haunted me in one or the other way irrespective of the genres they are in.
I recently watched a movie called 'World war Z '. I know people have already watched it. Every time this movie appeared on screen , i would just change the channel owing to its name 'World war z'. All I could just think of the title was everything related to the two world wars. And I convinced myself that i have studied enough of the wars in college and now it's on tv too . No way I am not gonna watch . But still I kind of knew that this film was hinting us something about the future.
But one day I had to watch the movie because I was boring and I wanted to kill some time. Fortunately the movie was being aired on tv on that day and I started watching.
Me and the film was going smooth until a sudden takeover had taken place. Screaming , yellings , cryings and sirens of the vehicles are all being heard. The peaceful atmosphere suddenly changed into chaotic. People get confused about what is happening around them . Before all these chaos are happening , bbc news had given warnings on the newly spread rabies virus. But we, like the people in that movie, got no chance to think of its worst.
People slowly get out of their cars and run for their lives . But it's too late. The whole world has been trapped into the clutches of that virus. It's a zombie infecting virus. People affected by the virus eventually turn into zombies and they in turn multiply by biting others. In short the whole world is slowly turning into a zombie land.
There are zombies on the street and also people ,with consciousness, act like zombies to each others just to fulfill their selfish motives such as shelter, food and at most survival. But we can't blame them though. Even we would do the same in such a situation; Saving ourselves and our families and leaving all behind.
Cries are left being unheard
prayers are left being unheard
questions are left being unanswered ;
even the whole world is turning upside down.
Mothers who nurtured and caressed their children become their murderers. Families, friends,kinship all become a matter of numbers.
Love, sympathy , mercy nothing would stand in the way of a zombie. They don't even know about their own existence. Unlike humans, they don't know where to aim at. They have impaired brain function. The only thing they care about the most in this world is "noises".
Once I finished watching the movie, i was sunk into a lot of scary thoughts as to if zombies are real and if so, is there a cure to Zombie apocalypse . Unlike other viruses, containment is not an option for this since their numbers are only exceeding. And also prevention cannot be done by the practice of staying indoors , through social distancing , personal hygiene etc. Then how can it be rooted out?