

Dear Diary,
Class is supposed to start tomorrow but for some strange reason something went wrong so they said we will start next tomorrow that is on Tuesday.But I told Lailani that we should go around the school with Nadia.Nadia was happy to take us cause we where new.She told us some things. Okay she called them warnings

Fist of all....
1)Don't mess with Olivia Peterson
2)Always be nice to everyone
3)don't go near Justin unless you want Olivia's trouble

No no no.That cannot. possible I wanna be you know what with Justin.I am thirteen riii.I am an American rii.So I have the right rii.BTW Justin is knocking on my room so I gotta go see ya.

AHHHHH👈(me screaming). Justin told me that he would like to have tea with me .I am screaming cause he kinda asked me out sooooo I am happy.Yeah .😁😂.But what can I wear .Help me please!!!
