

The Influence of Love
"The Influence of Love." What exactly does that imply to you?
Write a story on it.

Love is something that you don't need but is still gifted to you by someone else. Love doesn't just include your better half it starts with yourself. If you love yourself the way that you want the other person should you yourself become the best and most satisfied version oneself.
The love that we deserve is always not the one that we are getting and realising that is the biggest move coz if you don't the influence does effect on your life. You don't like talking to the other person. And sometimes you don't even like yourself.
The influence can only be better when you see the influence you deserve.
Don't fall for someone coz you can or coz you should. Let it happen on its own and enjoy on the way coz the person who is not meant to stay will find a way to leave and the one who is meant to be will find a way to never leave.
© Hansika