

Chapter four: You
Samantha looked up, set her thoughts aside, and gazed at the moon, which shone brightly in the sky, casting a ray of light over the earth. She sat in her gloomy room, near the window, at her desk, her safe heaven where all her emotions went. A place she could go whenever she felt sad or happy. Either way, she was happy. She looked at the small lamp on top, a beautifully designed black book, and a pen. A beautiful petal design that created a pattern on each corner of the book. "My safe heaven," it said. She carried it with her everywhere, even while eating breakfast. Her mother once asked her, "What book are you reading?" Samantha wanted to laugh at the thought, but she restrained herself and said, "It's only a book." People couldn't see her safe heaven as clearly as she could, and they couldn't see the emotion she felt, which she preferred. Her gaze wandered around the room, eventually settling on the wall clock. It was at least two o'clock in the morning. Samantha was not surprised because she knew that her time with Safe Heaven always made time fly by, but she felt like it was moving at a snail's pace. She frowned, got up, turned off the light, and went to sleep, into a world of dreams.
© coleyyy