

This Old Chest
The old, treasure chest lay exposed when the storm retreated.
Laying between sharp rocks and fine sand, this old chest with warped wood and a rusted lock must of been under the sea where it couldn't be seen.
What's inside what's inside could it be diamonds, pearl's or even gold coins ? Let's have a look to our eyes we were amazed!
Not diamonds, not pearl's not even gold coins but a withered old sheet of paper of a map so far away.
Water had erased all that was written in this old chest that was hidden. This was a treasure indeed it's travel's and things seen, salty waters and rocks in-between.
It sits here on my floor next to the fire to keep warm it's had its share of cold waters and bumps along the way it's time to rest so on my floor it will stay.
© loopen#allseven