

Ding Dong (pt-4)
Hey all... what's up 🤩 Back with ch 4.
Let's start.... Enjoy. If you didn't read the previous parts check those first.
Henry- What, oh yeah I'm coming?😯

Ding- Dong God saved us today, I can't believe what gonna happen if he would enter there!😱

Dong- It's the person who called her acctually saved us. Anyway call the girl from basement now.😵

Ding- oh yeah,(Ding enters in basement and stands in astonishment) Dong where is she and see that door is open from which we let her in here. 😲

Dong- Isn't she in that room? Let's check.😳

Ding- (They enter the room) She is not here too, oh no!
(They found the whole house she is no where)🤯

Ding- Why you're so much tensed? Maybe she goes outside for some reasons she'll back, where will she go she also said that she is new in this place and homeless kinda if we weren't offer her ours.😟

Dong- But she is the biggest evidence against this black business nah, I'm afraid she'll not be kidnapped nah.😨

Ding- I don't think so, Com'on this is the busiest road of the city and its not possible.🤨

Dong- Yesterday if we weren't reach at the right time at the spot we couldn't save her know. But we fortunately did it. That monster who came today at our home was about to fire her, can you understand? 😕

Ding- Yes, but Dong did you notice that monster who claimed him as Mr Henry didn't try counter attack on us instead of the fact we didn't bring any police with us.🧐

Dong- Maybe he wasn't aware of that fact. What's so surprising in that? 🙄

(The conversation was going on at that time the girl entered in the room by window.)

Dong- Hey you? where was you roaming at this dawn? Know we was so much tensed about you?😐

Girl- I'm so much sorry. I went to buy the medicine of head ache acctually from the nearby medical store, I saw it's open 24*7. (Showing the medicine packet)🤕

Ding- Oh but why you came through window?🤔

Girl- I thought Mr Henry was still here that's why.😦

Ding- oh, you made us so much tensed now take rest, we are going.😬

(Don't closed the door)

Ding-( mumbling) mr Henry was still here Mr Henry.... ummmmmm🤐

Dong- Hey stupid you gone mad or what, what ya saying?😒

Ding- oh nothing, let's have breakfast we can't sleep more with this mess now.😅

Dong- oh yeah, let me bring my new slippers from basement, this one almost died.🙂

(Dong enters the basement and found a cheat paper written some lines.)

(what's written on the paper? How the paper come there? To know wait for part 5)

I hope you guys enjoying the story.😄 I'll come with next part on next weekend. see ya soon.

Stay healthy Stay safe 😉
© kat