

Yo-yo dynamic
The relationship between a yo-yo and a person is very simple.
It's oftentimes a delight.
Up and down.
Working in tandem with each other.

For others it's not so simple
People often treat others this way
They wrap the string around their finger
They let the yo-yo drop
And have no clue how to operate one.

They drop the Yo-yo but it does not come back.
They leave it loose and scold at it.
Expecting it to roll itself back up.
They abandon the yo-yo because it's no longer interesting.
And blaming the yo-yo for not doing what it is supposed to do.

Weeks later they come back
They roll the yo-yo back up
And once again only for it to plummet and not retracing,
The Yo-yo only longs for that tandem relationship.

The yo-yo is yet wrapped someone's finger.