

Life becomes easier when you don't have to worry about anything and just take one step at a time, but this doesn't mean you have to be idle, lazy, or stagnant. Write your views and share a story with us.

Life becomes easy when you understand there is nothing going to change by your overthinking...Life becomes easy when you don't worry about anything but just think in a positive way and try to improve yourself every time you fail or stay back...life becomes easy when you smile in place of crying for small small things and the life becomes easy when you understand everything is already scripted there is nothing we can change now...soo Being happy being Sad is in your hands...if you want to be happy you should find happiness....Life is a race we are the runners nothing is permanent in Anyone's Life if you have problems today tomorrow u may be happy...think positive try to be happy as much as possible because Life is all about giving twist...so don't be lazy but be active and busy in doing works which gives you happiness...try to find peace with what you have try to be satisfied with what you have....