

"Let's Repaint India "
I love my India, Thats what most Indians say but we don't realise that slogans filled with love isn't enough. There is soo much to change.

Good values, respect, equality and loyalty is what will make our country a beautiful place.

We celebrate Independence Day on the 15th of August year after year all over India but true freedom is yet to come..and I wish for change.

The moment a women can walk fearlessly in India and be given a chance to be equal is True Freedom.

The day when every Indian has access to unbiased education and jobs without having to helplessly pay bribe is real freedom.

The day when people break the barriers of casteism, color and creed and treat every humanbeing equal is the day we experience real freedom.

The day when all genders get equal rights, respect and power is the day we get our real Independence.

Citizens should be free to practice their Rights and take correct action," & "The correct action required for justice. Justice is what we lack in our country. Human rights law, to be protected from crime, as well as the right to justice.

We need to rise against all these flaws and work towards making the difference.

The constitution and freedom to vote should fall in the right hands. We are the right hand..we are the present and future of India.. When we unite and think not just about ourselves but for the nation is when india gets it's TRUE Independence.

"We have many hurdles, mile stones and criticism to deal with before we even start getting our voice heard.
But it's never too late.. and then we can proudly say yes! I love my India it's beautiful...its my Home...


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