

Non Dual
You know Shiva warned against Sati for going to Daksha Yajna , but when she heard something phenomenal yagna is happening that too by her father. She couldn't hold herself. She just wanted to see grandeur of it and mark her prsence. She just went and you know feminine qualities it is exuberant totally involved. She took nandi and went. She do not went there because she will get honour , place to sit. Given every pride and honour to conduct. The femine is always wants to be in presence. Masculine wants to become truth and conquer the truth. That's why Shiva said to Parvati." You don't worry about that(she said I also want to learn what you are teaching to the saptrishis ). He said just come and sit with me and drink me. When you become part of this much phenomenal. You don't want to decide and devide which is it . Which is not. That's the beauty of equinox. You have rose yourself above duality. Feminine qualities are like that they don't want anything special . They want to give total attention and becoming one with it. That's the devotees ways. You know masculine ways they are fully organised battle field. They enjoy conquering it. You know feminine qualities sapadiya ?. A really hungry person knows what is the value of offering a food. Even Shiva went with his begging bowl to Annapurneshwari in Kashi. That's why Adi Shankara went on debating debating and later evening he go infront of Devi weeps and praise her. He just wants to be with her. People think it's madness. He that's why become one with this duality and become non-dual being (Advaita).That's why Sadhguru says it is 50:50 partnership.👣🌸🙇🏻‍♂️🙏🏻