

# we enjoy more than #Krsna

In the tenth Anniversary of Iskcon Prabhupada was in Los Angeles,The disciples of Prabhupada made a huge,beautiful cake & offered it to Sri Sri Rukimini Dwarkadhish ji (Presiding deity of Los Angeles Temple) & after offering the cake the disciples brought that cake to Srila Prabhupada, The cake was very alluring 😋 & attractive,So in this context a disciple asked to Prabhupada that,

Prabhupada isn't it that we also enjoy equally as Krsna enjoys ??

Pabhupada: No,We enjoy more than Krsna !!

Although Krsna is the supreme enjoyer,But his devotees enjoy more than him because when we try to please the lord by our devotional service our senses also become gratified

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