

Chapter 4 - Sam has Tea with Harriet
One thing you notice very quickly in the library, is that things are concealed. For instance, the desk that Harriet sat behind looked like a pile of books. And now as we both climbed the staircase to the apartment, I'm walking up steps that are made entirely from books!

Even when we reach the top, the entrance to the apartment is blocked by books, or is it? Harriet reaches out towards the fully stacked bookcase and folds it back like a curtain. An illusion created by the library to make it look like a bookshelf.

We stepped through the curtain and into a rather cosy sitting room. Ahead of me was a fireplace fully ablaze. Either side of the fireplace were two light brown coloured high backed leather chairs. A small table drapped with a tablecloth sat between them. Upon the table stood a steaming pot of tea and a plate of chocolate biscuits all ready for us.

"The library pre-empts your thoughts and so has things ready for you before you even ask for them. Please take a seat."

I did as I was told at the same time looking around at the amount of books that were cramped into every available space.

Harriet sat opposite me. "What do you think?" She asked. "It's nice." I replied.

"Good, glad you like it. Now, milk, sugar?" Harriet already had the jug and sugar cube tongs in her hand.

I gave a nod and watched as a splash of milk turned the dark brown tea, lighter. She gently let the sugar cube rest on top of the tea and I watched as the white cube absorbed the brown liquid before sinking to the bottom of the cup. Harriet gave my cup a stir, then looking at me she spoke.

"You mentioned down in the library that I will be an author. You also mentioned The Time Machine."

"Yes, it's one of your most popular books. They even made a film about it." I took the cup of tea with its saucer and sat back.

"Film? You mean they finally got photography to move!" Harriet burst out laughing then clapped her hands. "I have so much to see when I get back!"

"When you get back?" I asked.

Harriet let her sugar cube slide into her tea. "Yes, my time here has come to an end. It's time for someone else to become the librarian. Like you!"

I spat out my tea and began to choke.

Harriet put down her cup and came to my aid with a series of pats on my back. " My dear girl are you alright."

"Me! The librarian!" I splutted.

"Why, of course you. You got the invite didn't you!"

I was now beginning to recover. "I thought I had been invited here for a night out. I didn't expect to be working here!"

Harriet got up from my side. She went over to the bookshelf above the fireplace and pulled down a large green book. She came back over to me and placed it on my lap. "This is a ledger of all the librarians past and future. Some of the names in here won't mean anything to you. But here in the year 2024 is your name, Sam Shadow."

I looked and sure enough in exquisite handwritten script was my name below Harriet's.

"But I don't know the first thing about running a library!"

Harriet tooked away the ledger. "You don't have to. The library will help you. You just have to be here for the people when they arrive. Help them with their enquires and..." Harriet tailed off.

"And what!"

"Complete the tasks the library asks of you."

"What tasks!"

Harriet walked over to the fireplace once again and with her back turned towards me she fumbled for a book.

"The library has enemies."

"What enemies?"

Now with a book tucked under her arm, she sat back down opposite me. "The Dark Authors!"

To be continued...
© Alice White