


I am water, I am ice
Snowflake, raindrop, iceberg slice
Across the Earth, I run, I go
In and out of woman, I flow

I am a conscious entity
Quenching thirst, of flower and tree
And in my depths, of sea and ocean
Magic more potent, than any potion

Living water, in stream and spring
Full of vibrant energy, sparkling
Bubbling up, from down below
Filling you up, with my radiant glow
Up in the mountains, crystal clear

I wander there, I wind round here
And deposit my shining, mountain dew
Reflecting rock, and sky of blue
Further up, I am the clouds
Floating on by, or sitting proud

I am frozen, I am Cold
Never-changing, is what I'm not
There is more to me, than meets the eye
Do you see my faces, in the sky?

One day soon, you'll know me better
Splashing, spraying, fluid, wetter
For there is more to come, and more to know
Follow my lead, go with the flow.

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