

Higher Than Humans
You ponder aimlessly around.
Glancing at the one sun, the one moon in this worlds sky.
You look with your wings, but a bullet cracks the air.

Spiraling downwards you go, pain illustrated by the blood.
You've been shot.
As people here call those who are different beasts.

They're just jealous you can fly.

Faces with clothes of an array of muted tones stand over, curious.
That is what this race indeed is.
You try to speak but a gun is placed at your neck.

It reminds you of what your family did.
What got you here indeed in the first place.
Something of sin you wish to forget.

How come no one ever regretted the abandonment?

These people place you in glass.
Marveling at your scarred skin behind closed doors.
They will never trust you, though they wish to make peace.

But a lady with long hair cut short on one side destroys the barrier between collection and collector.
Maybe you were wrong, just about one person.
Your hands are still chained while hers are free.

Until a key is pulled out of a lab coat, flicked ungracefully into your lap.

"Open it, your chains." the woman says with a cough, and you do so.
The lock clicks open in a matter of seconds.
"Do you speak our language? Or at least understand us somewhat?"

Ah, there it is.
A key for a lock, an answer to a question.
Humans always want something in return.

That's what mother said, while she still called you her kin.

Half paying attention to the base's roof as to the lady, you respond quickly.
"I do, speak your English. Even though I wished to study a more interesting tounge."
The lady in the lab coat frowns slightly, then places a syringe infront of you.

"My colleagues wish to study you, and are in need of a sample of blood."
You sense slight fear of rejection, her breath hitching at each word she'd spoken.
Rolling your eyes, you take the needle and stab it into your arm.

Gasping can be heard from fellow onlookers, but you ignore them.

"It won't do you no good, I'm sure everyone here understands that." You assure them, moreover yourself.
But the lady crosses her arms. "We will still try, each time we are blessed with researching one of you." she battles.
Annoyance bubbles in your chest, gaining intensity riling up each second.

Then you hear a chime.
Everyone here does, everyone on Earth does.
Heat covering your finger tips as you take one last glance at the lady.

You once again breathe the sorrowful truth to another broken soul.
"I'm sorry, but you will never live past this day."

Then the light of the vast universe blinds you.

© Exer