

The Trump Smile
Well, you can thank the Lord All Mighty and the will of the American people to elect Joe Biden as the next Democratic President of the United States of America, for Year 2021 and during the next term of office. The questions on many people's minds are, what will happen during Joe Biden's presidential inauguration in January 2021? How will the reinstated civilian Mr Trump respond to smile and shake the President Elect Joe Biden, at the podium in front of the House Of Congress I wonder? Mr Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States by one of the judges on the podium. The curiosity is, how will Donald Trump and Joe Biden interact with one another on the podium?, I still wonder about that. Will the defeated Trump stand back and watch his Repulican campaign dissolve in despair OR, will Donald Trump not care because he is worth over millions of dollars worth of shareholder market stakes? Possibly and who knows. Donald Trump can afford all the time in the world to let his campaign fail as he is financially secured excessively and in anyway. Despite the fact President Trump was playing golf during the election, everyone wonders what Trump will do next in his life for his career or as a hobby...I wonder about these things as well...hhm. Well I guess it's soon time to say adios to President Trump, for next year.