

I miss you sometimes part 4
Nights came, and days went, but your big beautiful laugh remained in my head. The sound of your laughter unlocked a dream in me. It was music to my ears; I could fall and dance to its rhythm, everyday, seven lifetimes and over. You love laughing and I loved hearing you laugh, especially in the adorable way you do it. You tilt your head up when you laugh, revealing that taking sort of a mark on your nose, which warmed my heart to see. Your laugh, sometimes thunderous and loud, like the beauty of self-control meant nothing to you, cracked open heavens for me. And sometimes, it was simply a girl in love chuckling to her boyfriend's remarks. Either way, it was always pleasing to hear you laugh. Your joyfulness was one of rarest parts of you that kept my being at bay for you. I was addicted to your sense of freedom and careful carelessness. Being part of your circle filled mine, I had no room for sorrow but pleasure. I enjoyed being around and laughing with you.

© Ommie