

A Mysterious Letter That Changed Me Forever
The letter carried brief instructions: 'Meet me at the corner of the street', it read. But who was it from?
I called all my old friends, relatives, and acquaintances, seeking a clue about the letter's author. Despite my efforts, no one claimed responsibility. Amidst the chaos, a silver lining emerged: I reconnected with people I hadn't spoken to in ages, whether due to ego issues or lack of time. I thanked God for finally learning to find good in less-than-ideal situations.
All I knew was that my life was far from peaceful at this time. I suddenly became the Sherlock Holmes of my own life, busily searching for the missing links represented by that mysterious letter. I grew weary and frustrated with the pensive mood brought on by the letter, which offered no clue about its author.
After spending days and nights in restlessness, the appointed day mentioned in the letter finally arrived: May 13th. I couldn't help but doubt the omen associated with the date. I was to meet some stranger—a spirit, a ghost, or who knows what—at the corner of the street.
Gathering all my courage, I decided to go to the meeting point. I also resolved to confront this person, to teach them a lesson about not disturbing someone's peace with a mysterious letter like this.
It was nearly night, and darkness had already enveloped the surroundings, adding to the mystery of the meeting. I arrived at the designated spot and saw a woman, tall and not particularly slender, standing with her back to me. I approached her and asked, "Excuse me, ma'am, are you...?" In an instant, she turned to face me.In the shock of a lifetime, I was completely stunned to see myself standing before me. The woman introduced herself as my higher self.
She told me that I had fallen into the trap of the material world, social media, and everything related to the 3D world. She reminded me that these things would not serve me as a soul. She emphasized my soul's purpose: to maintain a balance between my inner and outer worlds. She instructed me to look inward and grow outward. She urged me to stay connected to her—my higher self—and the divine, who would always be my mentors and guides.
I promised her that I would make the necessary changes in my life and set an example for others, demonstrating true transformation.Suddenly, a white light enveloped her, and a whirlpool of light whisked her away. I watched in silence. Moments later, my alarm clock blared loudly, jolting me awake. It took a few seconds to realize it had all been a dream. I glanced at the clock, which read 5:55 A.M. I understood the mystery—it was a divine message, an angelic plan to make me realize I was not on the right track and needed to make some changes for my own good.
With newfound clarity, I felt a sense of calm and purpose. I knew this dream was a wake-up call, urging me to realign my life with my higher self's guidance. Embracing this message, I committed to making positive changes, finding balance, and staying connected to my true self. As I started my day, I felt a deep gratitude for the divine intervention that had set me on the path to real transformation.
#writcostorychallenge #spiritualstories #gratitude
© Haniya kaur