I met a Vampire pt 3
Dextro moved swiftly towards me... I heard him make a hissing like moan in the moment of pure indulgent pleasure as he eagerly just want to bite me. He was lingering to take a greedy bite... Smelt me like I was just a piece of meat with his drool just dropping all over me. It was like a sick ritual and through it all the death dance he did around me just kept me stunned.. A final moan and a final growl as he took me in his arms and ready his fangs to take me... And then he stopped as he neared my ear.
He smelt pleasant for a dead guy though. I wondered if he had bitten me yet and am I dead already as I don't recall any feeling in me at all. Then his breath shook me out of this dream like state and then his chilled breath on my neck made me shiver and I was ready to die..
"Mmmm, this blood is pure. I sadly can't have any of it... " Dextro whispered finally and then let go of me.. " I can have you anytime, but this is a strange place. See this castle did exist around the time of the Vikings. As you can see some old armour plates and s...." "So what?! .. What the hell man??! I waited for my death who cares how old this damned place is anyways?? Kill me and just stop toying with me, I can't bare it.. Did you want more of a fight??? Are you serious right now?!"
" Okay, okay haha, calm down... You are worse than my brother and this "damned place". This...
He smelt pleasant for a dead guy though. I wondered if he had bitten me yet and am I dead already as I don't recall any feeling in me at all. Then his breath shook me out of this dream like state and then his chilled breath on my neck made me shiver and I was ready to die..
"Mmmm, this blood is pure. I sadly can't have any of it... " Dextro whispered finally and then let go of me.. " I can have you anytime, but this is a strange place. See this castle did exist around the time of the Vikings. As you can see some old armour plates and s...." "So what?! .. What the hell man??! I waited for my death who cares how old this damned place is anyways?? Kill me and just stop toying with me, I can't bare it.. Did you want more of a fight??? Are you serious right now?!"
" Okay, okay haha, calm down... You are worse than my brother and this "damned place". This...