

I met a Vampire pt 3
Dextro moved swiftly towards me... I heard him make a hissing like moan in the moment of pure indulgent pleasure as he eagerly just want to bite me. He was lingering to take a greedy bite... Smelt me like I was just a piece of meat with his drool just dropping all over me. It was like a sick ritual and through it all the death dance he did around me just kept me stunned.. A final moan and a final growl as he took me in his arms and ready his fangs to take me... And then he stopped as he neared my ear.

He smelt pleasant for a dead guy though. I wondered if he had bitten me yet and am I dead already as I don't recall any feeling in me at all. Then his breath shook me out of this dream like state and then his chilled breath on my neck made me shiver and I was ready to die..

"Mmmm, this blood is pure. I sadly can't have any of it... " Dextro whispered finally and then let go of me.. " I can have you anytime, but this is a strange place. See this castle did exist around the time of the Vikings. As you can see some old armour plates and s...." "So what?! .. What the hell man??! I waited for my death who cares how old this damned place is anyways?? Kill me and just stop toying with me, I can't bare it.. Did you want more of a fight??? Are you serious right now?!"

" Okay, okay haha, calm down... You are worse than my brother and this "damned place". This place is very much alive. Me and my brother became it's victims.. Before you say anything else hear me out... So as I said this castle was buildt here by a Viking by my best guess it doesn't talk much on the existence of itself much, but it has seen a lot of cruelty and no this is not what you think Count Dracula didn't originate from here either. It was born of a prince who was as cruel yeah.. Okay anyways enough of that. I spoke of the pit when i wanted to feast on you.. See that pit/well you saw is basically a blood pool. This chief was crazy he and his followers had these weird ambitions and beliefs and the chief loved death and he worshipped it and the dark.. Some of the spirts roam this place and told me that after our accident. "

Dextro paused a bit and looked to the other side of the room. He look sad as he was just a few seconds ago with th excitement so deeply felt.. I could also not have helped to feel deeply sorry for him.. He let out a deep sigh.. I felt it and it chilled the room..

"So yeah, let me continue... So me and my brother were historians and were on the hunt for treasure lost to man. This was something about king Arther. Then we discovered this place. It was a major breakthrough in our research. Then like you it became dark and we seeked shelter in this place.. Don't worry it was empty.. It was very dark except for the well area was lit with the moonlight and it had and odd glow to it... We became super curious to check out the well and what made it glow... And we fell into it... I expected we were going to fall in cold water, but it burnt like an acid. We were cooking in that place and the water was a blood like red instead of maybe a mucky brown colour. Next thing we knew we woke up in the castle, but different. I was kind of shaking off a hang over. And felt super cold. I realised I was dead when the castle spoke and my headache disappeared.."

Dextro shivered a bit and then sighed again and started a fire. It seemed like a ritualistic thing he did aswell.

" I started this fire and the castle seemed to come alive. Lighting the candles etc. That's when I saw the spirts for the first time. My brother woke up the following day and I explained what was going on. He was mad and went on investigating the castle.. Thought I wanted to scare him. I hunted through the time he still slept. it was a bit though doing it in the day, but I managed it. The corpses laid in the one room. He ate ravenously on the corpses and then cried loudly. The pit called hard for us both. Did you see the markings or inscribed words on the pit?"

" I saw some markings yes on the skulls and stones. Some even had some blood on them.. " I replied..

"Well, we noticed them as they glowed bright red after we ate and the remaining parts we didn't ate we threw down there.. See we became the keepers of the place we keep it alive.. The chief died in this pit through a ritual and it opened a rift to a demon realm. The demon was pleased through all the execution and blood in the pit that it was happy to feed and made this it's domain as he was freed thanks to the stupid chief. The place became strange after the chief died and people started abandoning the place and said it was cursed.. Some of the mythical creatures we enjoy as tales such as Dwarfs, Elves, goblins and other english myths originated here.."

"So why can't you kill me did the castle say so? Am I understanding you correctly? What does it want from me if it has you? " I asked.

"Well, I am not that eager to kill than I was at the beginning. I still kill and feed but maybe once a month as I can control my hunger.. The castle is like the demon it sees your desires. It likes you and knows you have deep sense of curiousity . See I can kill you, but you can help me and possibly my brother too. I haven't seen any of his kills in years. So yeah that's why it asked to spare you. It kind of wants to serve you and it can't do that if you are dead then you belong to it as well.. Then you have to serve it and it is somewhat limited. I can take you home if you want. Just think about it..."

© The cube said it