

Upon Love's Timeless Dance

In yon fair glade, where soft winds whisper low,
Doth love’s sweet tendrils through the heartstrings grow.
A gentle breeze, nay, a zephyr’s breath doth stir,
And wakes the soul, as if from drowsy slumber.
’Tis in thine eyes, where constellations dwell,
That I do glimpse the heavens’ fairest spell.
O radiant star, mine heart doth thee enshrine,
With bonds unseen, more stout than iron twine.
Thy voice, a melody the spheres do sing,
Doth in mine ear eternal echoes ring.
Oft have I wandered through this life’s travail,
Yet in thy smile, mine every care doth pale.
Let not the tempest, fierce in wrathful might,
E’er rend asunder what we twain unite.
For love, as constant as the northern star,
Doth guide us through the darkest nights afar.
In thee, I find mine every joy and bliss,
Each tender word, each soft, enraptured kiss.
So let the world with all its troubles fade,
Whilst in thine arms, mine heart shall e’er be stayed.
For love is not a fleeting, fickle flame,
But rather, ’tis an everlasting name.
Through time’s relentless march, our bond shall stand,
A testament to love, ’twixt hand and hand.
Thus shall we dance through life’s eternal song,
With love as true as day doth night prolong.
And in this sacred union, firm and bright,
We shall abide, as constant as the light.

© poembyselly
AI art ©imprefectly.ai