

Without you
#heartbreak #loneliness #sad #sadstory
Two weeks gone, yup, it should be like a Guinness world record or something. Two weeks since I'd set foot outside my apartment, since I'd seen any of my friends, even gone to college. I guess that's how I decided to mourn for my granny.
Yes, I'm an orphan. No, my parents aren't dead. They abandoned me when I was a freaky breastfeeding baby, said they wanted a boy not a dumb looking girl (their words, not mine). Ever since I grew up, I kept that mindset that I wasn't good enough for them, so I tried improving myself from day one, made sure I was at my best behavior, always made the top of class, even told my mom I wanted to be a model just like her which wasn't even true, but unfortunately she didn't give a damn.
My granny was my rock, told me I was special everyday, listened to my problems and made them half solved, wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed my cheeks whenever I felt alone or unloved.
In the next two weeks, her burial would commence, my parents said they won't take me in, that I'll have to live by myself, not like I even wanted to stay with those monsters....
I missed her, I wanted her back, wanted her to be here with me, telling me stories of her "youthful days". My phone rang, I looked at the caller, Anna, I decided to ignore it like I've been doing for the past two weeks. I was on my bed, in a sitting position staring at Granny's rocking chair, call me mad, I didn't care but i felt she was there, like if you could strain your eyes a little harder you could see her, that's why i hadn't left my apartment, I was afraid if I had gone, she would too. Like I said, call me mad, I don't care.
Anna called again, I ignored it, my eyes were heavy, I tried to remember when last I had a really nice sleep, well, I was going to have one soon.
I picked up my phone and went online on the green app, messages strolled in, millions of them. I knew I couldn't text them all so I decided to leave a text on my status.
"Hey everyone, thanks for being really nice to me and caring for me all these years, as you all know my Granny's dead and I don't think I can live this dreadful life without her, she was the only one who understood how I felt and what I was going through, all I can say is I'm happy I had the opportunity to spend most of her time by her side, and I promise that it won't change, Goodbye everyone.", tears flowed down from my eyes as I posted the text, seconds later, views started counting and calls strolled in, I dropped the phone beside me and wiped my tears. There was a knock at the door, a really loud one, no doubt it was Anna.*No time to waste then*.
I took the jar of pills on my desk, poured a handful of them in my hands, I stared at my granny, she stared back, she looked so transparent now, I smiled.*Soon Grandma*.
I popped them into my mouth and swallowed, the knocks grew louder and louder, I could hear Anna screaming now, I laid down on my bed and cover myself up to my chin with my duvet, more tears flowed but there was a smile on my face.

*I'm going to have a nice sleep now*
© Willy_Bikky