

Learning the truth can be mind-boggling. Awakening to the deception makes me ponder how much is real. Curious how humans can be so corrupt. Look a little harder, you see things are strange. You see a massive cover-up distracting from what really matters. The scales fall off your eyes and it blows your mind. How much effort has been put into lying to the public to cover up their sick agenda. Letting this world become your home is a fatal mistake. We are here only a moment. A vapor in the wind. The days drag by yet the years fly. Cold to hot to cold again the season changes without fail. The years disappear in a blink of an eye. The sun comes up in beautiful splendor and goes down in the same. Learning how to renew the mind is simple, yet we make it so hard. Trying to do things in our strength and human wisdom is foolish to say the least. Invisible realms we must become more aware of. Realize that is where it begins. Try to understand, you understand nothing. Knowledge that comes from the world is hardly helpful. Knowing the holy one is where you begin. Fear of the Lord is where you find wisdom. Becoming obsessed with the word that is living and active. Proclaiming it to yourself, non-stop. Reminding yourself who God says you are and remember that your faith can be measured. Keep your faith strong and don’t for a second doubt the savior. He didn’t bring you this far to let you go. Meditate on the word of truth. Let it sink in and tear out the lies you believe. Replace it with the truth that will set you free. So with this, I end with a reminder to all. Don’t ignore God's holy call. Let’s come together in prayer and faith, to believe that God will make a way.