

[to hell with them, my prof said]
It was Wednesday, our designated time "outside school." The evening lingered with an uneasy stillness as I waited in the dimly lit classroom. The professor's lecture stretched on, the air thick with the murmurs and glances of his third-year students. Their eyes were sharp, filled with unspoken judgments, hinting at a narrative they barely grasped.

“Why’s she here?” one student muttered, disdain barely masked. “Doesn’t she have better things to do?”

I ignored them, focusing on the relentless ticking of the clock, each second amplifying my impatience. The professor's voice was a distant murmur as I grappled with the tension crackling in the room.

When the bell finally rang, the students surged out in a chaotic rush, their footsteps a discordant symphony of relief. The classroom emptied, leaving me alone in the oppressive silence. I watched as my professor gathered his papers, a familiar anticipation coiling in my gut.

“Are you ready?” I asked quietly as he approached.

He grumbled, a hint of exhaustion in his voice. “Ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose.”

We waited, the silence pressing in around us until the building seemed to exhale in a hollow calm. The students' whispers had faded, leaving us in a cocoon of solitude.

As we descended the stairs, our hands met, fingers intertwining with a tenderness that defied the sterile environment of the university.

Do you think they know?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

He shrugged, defiance in his eyes. “To hell with them. I only care about us.”

We moved down the stairs, each step a quiet assertion of our defiance against expectations and judgment. Our hands clasped firmly, a shield against the storm of disapproval that loomed beyond the shadows.

“Will there ever be a time,” I asked softly, “when we can be together openly, without hiding in the shadows?”

He hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. “Maybe someday. For now, we must… keep this moment.”

Before I could respond, he gently pulled me into a kiss, the warmth of his lips a fleeting promise. As we reached the door of the building, he reluctantly let go of my hands. We walked in silence, each step a return to the pretense of normalcy, until we finally arrived at his house.

© reddragonfly

#studentxprofessor #forbiddenlove