

Heroes Dawn chapter 2
We didnt know much about Guy's powers.He had just for the most part been a mystery.Atleast it was in the begining.We never knew how powerfull he was but what he started out with shocked us all beyond compare.

"I vote we make him do the hero training."
Aura says lifting her crunched eyes from her book.
"Im sorry what?"
Metal asks confused
"You want this guy's potensial to spark.We were all inspired by something heroic to become heroes.All you have to do is put him through the test for one day as a hero and either he will be inspired or he'll leave and we'll know he isnt right for the posistion."
"Hmm not bad Aura with thinking like that you might just be the next leader of Heroes."
Rock says smiling
"Whatever I dont really care."
Aura says putting her nose back in her book.
"All in favour raise your hand."
Rock says smiling and putting his hand in the air.Shale laughs and raises his hand.Aura raises her hand after flipping the page.Metal sighs closing his eyes and raises his hand.
"Then its settled.A day as a hero is the punishment we set.Now to finish up Aura and Shale go on a scouting mission in tye city to find out more about the explosian.Me and Metal will put Guy through tests and try to revive his memory at tye same time.Heroes go!"
He yells.Aura stand up and slowly while reading walks toward the costume room.Shale while humming and skipping follows her.Rock kicks open the door entering the room with Guy in it.He hits his fist against the metal table denting it.He looks Guy directly in the eyes with an angry demenour.
"Guy suspect of the DR.Curio prison explosian.Heroes has decided your fate..."
Silence fills the room and Guy looks scared.After a moment Rock smiles and in a joyfull voice says
"You'll be taking the hero course and be a hero for one day.If your inspired you stay by us retrieve your memory and become a hero.If you still want to leave after that we will leave you."
Metal walks into the room and leans against the wall laughing.
"A hero huh...I can do that how hard can it be."
Guy says smugly smiling.
"You'll swallow those words faster than pills in a minute."
"We'll start right away from now to tommorow this time."
Its about Noon.Shale flies with his wings alongside aura levitating herself up.They fly around the ruble as the sun light glares over  the building windows.Shale looks around and sighs
"This sucks why do heroes alway do sych boring scouting missions."
He moans
"Because we might see something that helps us."
She stares across.A purple shining light catches her eye but the two are interrupted by a nearby villian.Shale stops mid air looking down and so does Aura.The villian has a power that lets him make cables out of his knuckles.He uses it to pull down a bank gate.He has three people around him armed with guns.One with normal scaley wings and the other two powerless.
"Were gonna make some serious cash for once!"
The cable villian yells.
"Maybe you should try finding real jobs."
Shale says.He stands in the doorway with his wings extended.The three with guns try too shoot but Aura rips their guns away.
"Now that would be cheating.Play fair."
Aura says smiling.
The wing hero flies trying to attack Shale.Shale jumps backward dodging.He flies in the air as the villian hits the ground.On his knees he looks up and see's Shale laughing while flying in one spot.He flues up to him and Shale starts flying upward.
"Lets test those wings of yours."
Shale flies upward and the villian follows him.As Shale reaches the top of a building he stops.The other villian tries to punch him and Shale dodges left grabbing him by his leg.He dives to the ground pulling him down.Right before he hits the ground he stops.He throws the man onto the ground and shoot knifes out of his wings into his wings tieing him to the ground.Meanwhile Aura had hit all the other robbers into the wall hard enough to knock them out.

The police arrive in swat cars.They aim their guns at Shale.
"Power terorist stand the hell down."
"This our society now..."
Shale says and flies up with Aura.They open fire and Shale blocks with his wings.As the two fly away they arrest the robbers.The head chief frowning looking at his gun wondering who is really right.Meanwhile back at the heroes base Metal,Rock and Guy stand in the exercise room.
"Heroes...we started out by Stronghold the strongest hero of all time.He lifted a bomb out the city saving us.No one knows what motivated him but heroes back then were everywhere.Multible groups,heroes and justice.After a creature of darkness attacked villians were brutally killed.Only one group survived with fallen heroes like Ninja,Quick Whip and Stronghold himself.We were recruited by them and kept the legacy of heroes going.Until the goverment got tired of paying for all the damage and made heroes illegal.We started doing our work outside the law.The only sense of Justice left."
Rock lecture a tired Guy.Guy tries to lift weights with the weight of 300 plus pounds.He cant lift it.After a while passes Rock takes Him to a wooden pillar
"What am I supposed to to with this..."
Metal laughs
"You punch it with you fists until it breaks.No powers.Just your fists.I couldnt break through my pillar I doubt you can either."
Guy laughs for a bit then stops
"...Your not joking are you?"
Rock smiles and hits him on the back
"Nope all yours come on."
After a while guy hits the pillar and his wrist bends.He yells in pain.Rock help him and shows him how to make a fist and punch.
After a while Guy does it again.Rock makes him do it again and again and again and again.For minutes on end for what feels like hours.His hands bleed and his knuckles crack.He cries in pain but is forced to do more until eventually Guy punches shakes in pain and falls to his knees crying.He cries and yells in pain.Metal walks away and Rock kneels down to Guy.
"This is the training of a mighty hero.The thing not even Stronghold himself could do without powers.No one has broken through their pillars without powers.This is awful I know.The pain,blood,sweat.You feel like dying right now.But after you grow this power.Do this training over and over.You'll be a hero who can save anyone."
He snaps.
"You'll learn.Tonight is the last test.If you'll be inspired or not...thats destiny.I went hard on you though.It will get better."
A while passes and as the sun sets Metal uses a healing machine to heal his hand just enough for his hand to move still bruised and scarred.

"This machine works on low power level people.It doesnt work on any of us anymore.It will only heal you so long until it stops and the hardness of your hand will be your only defence."
"Why the hell would I wanna be a hero if this is the pain."
Guys says with dry eyes looking at his hand.
"You'll see...the feeling of saving another...is one too amazing."
"Stop talking like some fantasy author.I just wanna damn leave."
Metal taps him on his shoulder and walks away
"Why dont you use your real names?"
Guy asks.A brief silence fills the room until Metal speaks
"Because each of us hate our real names for our own reasons."
He walks away.Guy looks outside as the sun sets.The buildings glare orange.Rock walks him outside toward the city.They travel until its night time and reach the city.On top of a scyscraper Rock looks out at the lit up roads.Guy wearing a sleeved shirt looks out with an angry demenour.
"Why the hell do you protect these morons if they treat you like shit."
"Because their still inocent.This world is corrupted by villians and were stopping them.We have to."
Rock see's a villain with two blade arms walk into an ally.He grabs Guy by his collar and jumps down into the ally.The blade villain hold one of his arms to a woman's throat.
"Ever heard of chivalry?"
Rock says his voice echoing in the ally.The man looks at them then hold out his arm.
"Back the hell up!"
He extends his arms all the way through piercing Rock in his upper left shoulder.(He has four shoulders for four arms)He realises the man is powerfull.He grabs his blade arm and pulls him closer through it.A little girl wakes up from sleeping and looks outside her window to see him.The other woman runs away.The girl opens the window and stands on the fire escape.Guy see's the arm and immidiatly gets chills down his spine.Rock pulls his arm all the way back and tries to punch him but the villian bursts his other arm through Rock's chest.Rock freezes as the man pulls back both his arms and jumps away.He hears the girl gasp and looks up.He hits his arm upward destroying the fire escape just missing the girl.The fire escape falls off.Rock cant move fast enough as the girl yells falling.For Guy time almost freezes his eyes open wide and as he see's the fire escape falling he remembers.
A girl is being attacked by a dog.Guy runs forward and jumps on the dog's back.He grabs ropes off of the ground and grab the dog by the mouth.He pulls the rope and drags the dog backward.Eventually a big man comes along hearing the girl yell and he grabs the dogs jaw holding it shut with two fingers.He helps the girl up with his other hand and tells the girl to run away.Guy falls of the dog's back and looks the man im the eyes smiling.
"Now now I told you,you cant just jump into action like that."
"But Dad thats always what heroes do.They move before they think.Its the stronghold way."
"Listen Son I know you wanna be like your strong dad and use powers.But you should also be safe.Little hero."
"Its Backlash my hero name is baclash!"
He says playfully.
Stronghold headpatts him and its revealed Guy's father was non other than Stronghold the hero himself.Guy snaps back into reality as red energy flows around him.He can control it this time.He bolts forward jumping on the falling parts of metal upward.He grabs the girl mid air and falls to the ground setting her down.Rock see's him and smiles.Guy stands upright and with red energy flowing around him stares at the villian.
"Who...are you?"
"Im Backlash.Im a hero."
He runs forward and before the villian can attack guy punches him in his face hitting him all the way out of the ally knocked out.The energy stops and Guy's eyes go back to normal.He looks at Rock and with a tear smiling says
"I'll stay.I want to be a hero."
He bows down and and yells
"Please give me the oppertunity!"
Rock heals and laughs.The little girl pulls on Guy's shirt.He turns around and the little girl shy says
"I dont think your so bad.Thank you mister Backlash sir.!"
Guy laughs and fist bumps her.
"No problem!"
He smiles.Rock takes the little girl up to her buildings window and police arrive.Rock and Guy leave and go back to the base.As they reach base Rock stops Guy from walking.
"What made you change your mind?"
"I remembered something...my father...Stronghold was my dad.I know thats hard to believe but I remember saving a girl.I want to be that hero again.No matter the cost!"
"Ok Om Backlash.You still need to finish your training and control that power of yours.If Im right you still cant right?"
"Ye...yeah I cant."
"Well you'll learn.Guys Stronghold.I'll take your word for that part.Sadly no one knows where he went after everything so reunion is gonna be a bit late.As for now you just need to do this oath of heroes dawn."
"Yep...Repeat after me.
I vow by the good of justice"
"I vow by the good of justice."
"The sacred powers of Gods and devils"
"Tge sacred powers of Gods and Devils"
"I will fight,protect and be a hero even if my life is risked."
"I will fight...protect and be a hero...even...Even if it my life is risked!"
"Ok then.Welcome to heroes Backlash or do you prefer Guy now?"
Guy remembers Metals reason why they didnt use their real names and then states
"I have no reason to fear or hate my name.I'll stay Guy by you and Backlash by the public."
He shakes Rock's hand.
"So what now...a suit a cool uprising?"
"Nope only violent brutall training for two months straight.Learning martial arts by yours truly and learn how to use your powers.Only then can we even begin to talk about a suit."
He smiles and pats guy on the head.Guy nervouslly laughs and with that our story finnally begins.

The next morning Guy wakes up early.He runs for 40km around the platform again and again afyer and hour of break he goes to train in martial arts.Rock teaches him a stance and then to test his dodging skill constantly punches his way.hitting Guy multible times.After an hour of that Guy goes back to punching the pillar for 4 minutes straight.He heals himself and then sleeps.He ate in his breaks.He wakes up and calms down the next day and then tries to speak with Aura.She sits in the living room in a blanket reading her book.
"What are you reading book worm?"
She slowly stares up from the book into guys eyes awkwardly smiling.
"A copy of Shadows whisper at night."
"Cool I love that one."
Guy has no idea what he's talking about
"So your a hero now huh?Good to have you on the team."
"So what do you guys do for fun around here."
The words fun echo around the entire building and Shale jumps out from the other room scarring Guy and then yells
Guy backs up with his hands up nervousslly laughing
"He is an infinite ball of irritation.Good luck."
Guy nervouslly laughs.He plays some GS with Shale and is immidiatly awful.Shale teaches him how to play and Aura see's them and laughs.Metal see's them and shakes his head to go train.The next day Guy trains again.Sleeps and the next day calms down again.He watches a horror movie with Aura.Next day trains alone as the other heroes go fight.He gets motivated harder and starts hitting the pillar until it makes a dent.He does the same over and over again.Learning the Heroes and training harder each day.Eventually Guy punches the pillar wrong and breaks his knuckle.He goes to heal it.He gets confronted by Metal.
"Shut the hell up!"
"I train my ass off for how long then you come along out of nowhere and become the new talk of the damn town.To get to heroes I struggled my ass off and even the I only barely made it!I was voting against you from day one all of your so called potensial and all that ego.Just damn go away."
"Screw you Metal!Everyone else opened up to me because I wasnt hiding in some shell made up of my own damn ignorance!I dont remember my life from the last 3 years and Im trying my hardest to let go and be a hero then I have a person like you.A blind moron who cant even see that he is wrong!"
Metal stands there in silence shocked.He pushes Guy out of the way and before he leaves Guys says one last thing
"Open up and maybe you'll see people care about you just as much."
He stops in the doorway and shakes his head before walking out.The next day Shale and Guy play GS and Metal see's them.He thinks of what Guy said and walks in.With a light voice asks
"H...Hey...Im sorry about yesterday...mind if I play along?"
Guy has a brief silence before laughing
"Yeah come on."
Aura stands up and walks up to them and asks
"Got room for a fourth?"
They give her a controller and the group plays and have fun.Aura beats each of them effortlessly.Rock walks into the room and smiles happy to see them getting along
"Hey Rock...wanna join?"
Shale asks Rock shakes his head and closes his eyes
"I dont like any of this tech stuff."
"If you say so."
Rock smiles and the group have fun.As the snow comes around outside its officially winter.But with the coming winter...came a cunning foe.

to be continued...
© salvation writing