

Trust yourself....

Casting yourself,
Make people mock you aside,
People you are looking unto,
You think they are the ones that you love most,
They are the ones that kill you down in spirit,
Your thought is to express your feelings,
But not knowing you mock yourself,
And people notice you and write it down in their diary,
For the shameful, painful, and agony for you,
Your words, your actions, and your attributes,
Gives ways for people to kill you down in spirit finally,
Thou your thoughts, expressions, and everything you go around with,
Let it be for you in your diary,
Share your expression, and thoughts with wise people,
wise people give better words,
which encourage person,
the words of the wise make you feel free from those who mock you aside,
then live your life in a way that millions would crave to follow,
and put those who shame you to feel worse than they thought .
© dave motivated