

How We Think Creates How We Deal with this Fallen World in which We Love in.
How we think creates how we deal with this fallen world in which we live and love in. We might see at the surface of things we need to think positive and not negative.
However, there is positive thing in this world that can kill you, and there is negative things in this world that can, will, and does bring you life; so we can see in depth, that it is not a factor of positive and negative, and think only positive and negative can lead you offcourse to some horrors and even death.
Nevertheless, life exist in this universe because life is good, and purity brings out the most effective good there is.
Equally, there is nothing evil that brings life and all evil leads to horrors and death.
So, there is positive things in this fallen world that will kill you, and negative things which brings you life.
So, don't waste your time trying to correct your life with thinking only positive and not negative, learn the value of life in it's maturity by thinking good and not evil, and put positive and negativein the place they help good to happen.
And remember, purity is where all goodness comes from, love produces the highest form of purity, and God is love; so, handle His Spirit of the Love of Life with care, and mature your handling with goodness, mercy, and grace. God's blessings upon you and yours: © Brother Stephen Scottt