

Kindness is a Gift from Nature

Have you ever wondered like I do why some people are just naturally kind and loving, and why some, no matter how they pretend to be good, we can still see the root of wickedness and inhumanness in their actions?
Kindness is not learnt. It is a gift from nature. If you are observant, you will know when you meet a naturally good person—kindness is right there in his or her nature, and it is palpable. Likewise, when you meet someone who only pretends to be kind, you will still know because no matter how he or she hides his or her wickedness under the cloak of pretence or hypocrisy, his or her actions still ooze the roots of wickedness and inhumanness. No doubt, a leopard never changes its spots.
In the journey of life, you will meet all kinds of people, and you will learn a lesson from literally everyone you meet.

–Bina Ologbo