

The 2024 general elections were a huge loss for the Bhartiya Society, if not for the BJP or NDA!
Both the decisive decision of Prime Minister Narender Modi, which has not been liked by the global deep state, and the mishandling of local issues have been the reasons for the defeat in this civilizational war.

From industrialists being promoted, to caste politics, to the constitution in threat, to Modi being dictator, to minorities in danger, to farmers being marginalized, to the north-south divide (Dravidian politics), to the caste census, to employment issues like Agniveer, to wealth distribution. These artificially crafted narratives can be seen as the major faultlines that have not only been exploited by the Bharat breaking forces but have unfortunately also been successful in turning it not only in votes but also in seats. 

I too disagree with reforms like Agniveer and MSP for farmers, which I think would have been rethought or would have been handled in a much more balanced and inclusive way, but the way Bharat breaking forces captured the narrative and gave it a different color is something that all Bhartiya should learn from.

I am very skeptical about all the reforms and policies that the people of Bharat were expecting from Modi 3.0.
Judicial reform is out of question as it requires 2/3rd of the majority in both the lower (Lok-Sabha) and the upper (Rajya-Sabha).

Keeping the coalition government in mind, I feel that things like the NRC, the Places of Worship Act, freeing Hindu temples from state control, and the and the Waqf Board issue can be kept on the back burner.

I truly feel that it’s the people of Bharat, especially Hindus, who should all respect each other and make each other understand both global and local issues. Transparent dialog is the only way in which you can protect the Hindu families. The crooks know that once the Indian family structure gets destroyed, rest will be a cake walk for them.
A pretty good ecosystem is seen to be working for the opposite side. What about the creation of our own ecosystem in terms of think tanks, lawyers, businessmen, etc.? We are often seen as very smart when it comes to serving our own interests in comparison to serving the community’s interest. On the other side, even the lower-class people are very clear about their community’s interests.

The development has never been an issue for them. This is the reason why in many parts of Uttar Pradesh, even after getting the benefits of the developmental scheme started by the earlier government, they voted for the opposite party.

This proved that development didn’t work, and freebies, if still continued, will surely bankrupt the state.

It’s high time that people in Bharat understand that the time has come for each Bhartiya to start taking an interest in active politics. They should know that democracy is not only about voting in 5 years; in fact, there is a much bigger role that needs to be played. Understanding geopolitics, internal politics, economy, finance, and legalities/law are not aspirational domains anymore. Everything is connected, and our lives are no exception. Thus, the earlier we start educating ourselves, the smarter we become.

Imbibing Bhartiya values that our ancestors fought for will surely instill Dharma, or righteousness. Once the fundamentals are aligned, the divine will bestow on you the vision, so see things the way they are. Clarity will destroy ignorance and make you do the things you need the most.

Adhyatm (spirituality) is the way forward if you are truly interested in doing something significant in life.

My faith has always been in society rather than in the state. Don’t forget that collective pressure always works from bottom to top and not the other way around.

The fight is all about narratives. The moment you lose the narrative, you should be ready to lose your civilizational identity. Challenging times lies ahead.

Are we ready for it? Do we really want it? These are some questions that we, as a collective community, need to ask ourselves.

Last but not least, of course, the BJP needs to reorganize, but it should also remember that overconfidence and arrogance lead to destruction and nothing else.

Thus, true satisfaction lies in the struggle, not in the fleeting pleasure of success. The lesson we all must learn is to carry forward that struggle even after achieving our goals.

Virakti and Vairagya are the true powers.

- Atul Tyagi.
© Solutions in terms of clarity for life.
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