

Why did John die.
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Revival by Stephen King:

He unlocked a door and led me through an office that was empty of furniture, although I could still see square clean patches on the grimy linoleum, where the legs of a desk had once stood. On the wall was a curling calendar with April 1989 showing. We was so happy because we are going to start our own busines . We have spened our all money to buy it. We are going to mary .I was so happy taken dreams in my eye to Creech. One call broken my all dreams. John was die in car accident .Next day our office was given to anyone else whom I don't even know. One person make me call and said that he had done John accident and send me one video. Next day in robry my mobile had stolen now I can't tell police any thing because I don't have evidence. The person who send me video was also die. I don't have a single thing and wanted to die and take poison and drink it.
And write all thing in litter. Now police had taken him in investigation.
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