freak part two ( stalker )
last week the hole school went in to locked down gas that we can't breath not good my sister is well not doing so good she has a fever she got some how i been giveing her what she needs on of my friend baren mom is a nurse his mom made a nurse and told him how to treat sickness like a fever food is ok water even better milk running out my crush lizzy is good with bombs she knows how to make one it it's kinda cool were fine but scared last week some of of my class mates went outside and some kids i don't know i'm in my first year 15 years old but i fell some one is watching me i feel like some thing is out there and it's no good we know what the smoke can wait what the...2 hours past and one of the students i think her name is menda she found some of our class mates that left and she brought them here and i can't talk for long.