

down the rabbit hole
Allison was asked on her first date and that so happened to be the last day of school ... so of course she was ecstatic for many reasons but mostly for that first date.... As her mom picked her up ... she asked her mom .. if she could skip piano practice... and get dropped off at the mall so she could meet up with her best friend Joy.. with a bit of hesitation in her voice her mom still agrees to let her go and drop her off at the mall.. to meet up with her friend.. telling her she will pick her up after she runs around and doing her errands for the day.., so about 6 Allison tells her mom.??.. her mom giving her the thumbs up as Allison walks away, Allison and Joy meet up in the mall walking around looking for something nice for her to wear on her date. As they are walking around in the mall Joy sees this Little gypsy shop with a big sign that says psychic... she drags Allison in ... gypsy introduce yourself as Maria have a seat she says let me see what I can help you with. The gypsy tells the girls go home stay home for the night I beg of you to stay home nothing but evil will come from this night for the two of you. Of course you’re too young girls laugh it off give the woman the money and walk out a little shaken up but they didn’t think much of it . with there bags in hand ready for their night they get picked up by Alison‘s mom.. and off home they go to get ready for the night...as Allison showers she sees a creepy little black spider crawling off the corner of the wall , with A piece of tissue she grabs it and flushes it down the toilet. Allison date shows up his name is Mark , Mark told her instead of going to the dance he thought they would go to a museum of mirrors... Little bit hesitant at first she agrees. They get to this huge castle looks like an amusement park every inch of that castle is covered in mirrors. As soon as Allison steped off the car she flicked a spider off her leg , not realizing she got bit. She walks in to the museum with her boyfriend . Laughing and talking giggling as they walked in after
Ten minutes later they let go hands and got separated....Allison ended up all alone in one direction...
© sanchez75