

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? It has been 3 months she shifted to this house and something wrong is going on their . The terrible things that is going on from a long time. Everytime, she was trying hard to just make it her imagination and not the truth ,But failed everyone.She was planning to leave it tomorrow. She went to the bed texted "good night" to her parents and tried to sleep. suddenly some creepy sounds came out of the hut outside. she looked at the clock , it was 3 am . she went out with her cell, with shivering hands and legs ,she reached their, put her hand on the knot, she was sweating, her heart was throbbing and finally she opened the door with all her courage. she found no one. she stepped further.she never came their. The hut still contained some old things of the previous owner.she saw a box opened it.It contained some cloths of a new born baby, shoes and socks and a diary. she took it and came back to the bedroom and started reading......