

The worst of the worst.

Just watching a YouTube video about two female paedophiles who were British but had moved to Cyprus and were running an on line Buisness selling home made child porn.They eventually got sent back to the uk,one was jailed for 12 years and the other for 6. Seriously? Is that a joke?

I remember when I was a child,and I look back fondly on my innocence.I had no idea about grown up stuff, like puberty,or sex. I was so lucky, and I realise now that not everyone was so fortunate.

When I had my children,I surrounded them with love,safety,protection,and fun. I told them I loved them every day,read them stories,filled my house with their friends, and we would spend hours doing arts and crafts on the living room floor.Cutting out magazines and making collages,making snacks for everyone,and singing songs from their favourite kids shows. 20 years later,I’m so very forgetful, yet I still remember those songs,and all of the special moments.

This is what childhood should be like,children deserve nothing less, childhood is so precious,and so short,and it’s a time you can never get back.

It pains me that anyone can have children,you don’t have to qualify in any way,you can have a child without any thought or consideration and shape their minds in whichever way you choose, and you can do it over,and over again.We are completely free to create as many humans as we want to,without a thought. We have people who hate children,having children,and nobody bats an eye.

There are thousands of paedophiles out there,having children to abuse, and abusing other peoples children.Where will it all end? These people are the worst of the worst, selfishly wrecking children’s lives without a care. Quite honestly,it makes me sick to think I could be stood next to one of these monsters in the supermarket.I was going to call them Animals,but I don’t think that’s fair to animals,because anyone who could do anything sexual,or violent to a child, is the worst kind of evil.

I know appealing to them won’t work,because they don’t care. They think they have the right to do whatever they want,and there are so many of them.I have no doubt that if anyone ever sees this,there will be someone who has hurt children,physically,or sexually,or both.And what would I say to those monsters?

Don’t you feel guilty? Has something happened to you to make you this way? You should go out of your way to make sure you stay away from all children,at all costs. I can’t make you care,nobody can,but just know you should,and know you need to stay away from children.I hope there is a hell,or some kind or torturous purgatory where you’ll end up in eternal suffering.

I still can’t get my head around how very different we all are.And yes I know if we were all the same,the world would be a very boring place,and we should be different,but surely the foundations of good and bad,right and wrong,acceptable and unacceptable should be the same. And unacceptable shouldn’t be just a word that people use,it should be a warning,a clear promise,that doing anything to hurt a child,in any way, WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED,no excuses,no explanations.Do this,and your done,your freedom,and your pain free life is over.

How do we make the change? Where do we start?

© NickyNic