

Echoes of the Damned - Part I of II
Title: Echoes of the Damned written by Swagtastic and Chelse J

They say the best stories are unexplained, forced to live open to interpretation as the story goes. Ethan found it no less than an old campfire story to scare children, but all stories bore resemblance to some sort of reality. So, as a dare influenced by Ethan, who caught wind of the house’s presence, he called to it in a voice. Though faint, its hum pervaded his thoughts and swayed ears in soft rhythms. Mentioning this to Alice, who was half asleep at the time, he barged into her tent hoping she had also heard the hymn. To his surprise, she had, which jolted her out of bed, and they decided to fetch Olivia, who was surprisingly awake, rocking back and forth. Unbeknownst to her, the rhythm that so mindlessly beguiled her gaze was entrancing the eyes of her friends, Alice and Ethan.

"You hear it too, don't you?" Alice said, knowing the answer once they locked eyes. "Yes," Olivia replied, aware that curiosity had piqued the interests of more than one person in their small group. "This was one of the signs the villagers mentioned in their story. I think we should go and..."
"Check it out," Ethan interjected, letting his curiosity get the best of them. "I think so too," Alice agreed. Olivia couldn't help but give off a look of fleeting hope, not wanting to believe that the welcoming tune would invite an unholy amount of despair on such an ominous night. Ethan interrupted her train of thought. "That settles it, Olivia. I guess we're going to check out this house."
"Just a quick glance, just to put your mind at ease," Alice continued. Olivia reluctantly agreed. One moment they were following the river, and the next, there was a sudden shift in scenery, as if the charred trees moved on their own. Twigs snapped here and there, with owls hooting implicitly, their calls blooming from directions that held no vestige. What kept them going was the hum that, despite its beauty, emitted a wind that danced to a pull, inadvertently leading them to the house. But upon arriving, Olivia spoke up. "Okay, guys, I think we should turn back. If the story holds true, then it's connected too." Her words were cut short when the melody abruptly ceased, replaced by a sudden tumult coming from within the dilapidated structure.

A simple nod was all it took from Alice and Ethan before they turned on their heels and began walking away with haste, until the once-closed door undulated open. Instant trepidation settled before reality struck, followed by action as Alice found herself airborne, at the mercy of a pull in such a tottering way. Olivia and Ethan couldn't grab ahold of her hand before her scream was swallowed in shadow and silence, a memory of the moment that now evoked their forced reality. "We have to get her," Ethan said, gasping for a breath he may never catch. "You get help."
"No, I'm going with you."
"No, you're not. I'm not risking your life too. It was my idea to bring us here. Please do what I say. I have to get her before she becomes something I wouldn't recognize." He ran off, hoping to find any opening in this place, leaving Olivia flabbergasted in a trance of bewilderment.

Olivia stood frozen, her mind racing to comprehend the unfolding events before her. The dilapidated house loomed ominously, its open door beckoning her with a sinister invitation. She knew she couldn't let Ethan face the horrors within alone, but fear gripped her heart, paralyzing her body.

As the seconds ticked by, Olivia's determination overcame her fear. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. With a resolute nod, she stepped forward, crossing the threshold into the dark abyss of the house. The air inside was heavy with an otherworldly presence, and a chill ran down her spine.

The moment Olivia stepped inside, the door slammed shut with a resounding thud, sealing them within the house's confines. Panic surged through Olivia as she whirled around and dashed towards the locked door, pounding her fist against it in a futile attempt to break free. Olivia's desperate screams for help echoed through the house until she realized their futility. They were trapped, with no escape in sight.

Suddenly, a fleeting shadow darted past, accompanied by a chilling breeze that sent shivers down Olivia's spine. Reacting swiftly, she spun around on her heel, her chest heaving with each breath.

Through Olivia's eyes filled with fear, she surveyed the interior, revealing a labyrinth of decaying walls, shattered furniture, and remnants of a once vibrant home. Moonlight seeped through cracked windows, casting unsettling shadows that danced upon the walls. Each step Olivia took reverberated through the desolate halls as she ventured further, her senses heightened in anticipation.

She called out Ethan's name, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination. The sole response came in the form of a haunting silence that engulfed the house, accompanied by the eerie laughter emanating from the same enchanted voice they had encountered earlier. Olivia's heart pounded in her chest as she continued her search through the darkness, her mind filled with images of Alice's terrified face.

Suddenly, something ran past her and grabbed her arm. Olivia tightly shut her eyes and let out a piercing scream. But familiar voices calmed her down. "Shhhh, Olivia, it's us. Ethan and Alice," Ethan said with a slight whisper.

Olivia opened her eyes, and as soon as she saw that it was truly Ethan and Alicia, she hugged them tightly and questioned how Ethan had found Alicia. "I found Alicia unconscious in a dark room filled with cobwebs and brooms," Ethan told Olivia.
"I have no idea how I got there. All I remember is that something or someone snatched me, and the next minute, I knew I was lying unconscious when Ethan woke me up," Alicia explained.

Ethan turned his attention to Olivia. "Olivia, did you find help?"

"Nope, I couldn't leave you guys behind. I don't want you guys getting hurt. But somehow, I feel that there is something in this house that wants us here badly," Olivia told them.

"What do you mean?" Alicia asked, and Ethan turned around and scanned the room.

"We are trapped in the house. There is no escaping. As soon as I came in, the front door locked automatically. I can't shake the feeling that this was all a trap," Olivia replied.

With that said, sinister laughter echoed once more, accompanied by a strong gust of wind. The trio huddled closely together, observing in disbelief as the room began to rotate on its own. They questioned the very laws of science as they witnessed the furniture crumbling and the room transforming into a confounding arrangement of four walls and doors, ensnaring them in a bewildering reality. And then, the voice resurfaced, its tone now even more malicious.

"Well, hello there, my little *sniff* guinea pigs," the voice vocalizes in gradual ways, almost incomprehensible to human ears. "What a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. Blackwood, Davis, and little ol' Reed."

"What the?" They each say in unison. Amidst the confusion, he speaks in high and low deferrable pitches. He, or rather it, proceeds, "I have you know, breaking and entering deems one such as yourselves as immorally unhinged, especially in a place like this." Ethan, indignant to his remarks, barks angrily. "What do you want with us, and why are you keeping us here? We've done nothing wrong."

"Nothing wrong, you say? Nothing wrong? Was it not your decision to tread these woods, these trees? Your very breath tantalizes my being, let alone your presence." Alice calms Ethan just as Olivia steps forward. "What is it you want from us?"

"I'm glad you asked. I want you to entertain me. Here you have four doors. Three of which lead down a rather precarious path, while one leads to your exit." His voice alone pervades fear in all of them as his presence comes as shadowy glimpses racing across the ceiling. "Show yourself," Alice retorts. "Over here, over there, behind you, open your eyes" echoes in their minds and mocks them facetiously, coming from behind the oddly dispositioned thresholds of all doorways. Suddenly, he distinctly appears, about 7ft tall, with four heads consisting of a lion's head, a goat's head, a man's head, and an eagle's head. Their minds break, similar to styrofoam, witnessing this unnerving spirit whose head rotates with gleaming eyes, abhorrently searing din rancor that's ambiguous in more ways than one. "Better make a choice," one head says, while the others begin reciting indescriptive contentious incantations. Walls surrounding them seem to almost close in on itself, which Olivia notices under close scrutiny. Alice's heart quickens frantically when the realization of the room closing in on them becomes apparent. Olivia takes the initiative. "That door. Four heads and four doors. This door is phenomenally paralleled to his human head." Without time to think it through, considering it to be the most logical pretentious reason, they open and walk through. Cachinating disburse in a dissipating manner. "You think we got away?" Alice comments. "This doesn't look like an exit."

"You think we chose wrong?" Olivia mentions.

"Possibly, but as long as we're together, there's a chance we'll make it through. Right, Ethan?" Ethan doesn't respond, for when they look his way, his eyes lock in a trance. Looking and seeing things that aren't there. "Ethan! ETHAN!" Their voices fade into the background like rain in a thunderstorm. What he sees is a room unfamiliar, unlike anything he's ever seen. The floor is damp, and he can't find Alice nor Olivia in eyesight, for this room is black with one source of light taunting him from just paces away. That source being an oil lamp with a purple flame. He calls for them, but no sound utters from his lips. He blinks, and the forever-burning flame persists. With no other option, he marches onward. Upon reaching, the flame also reaches its limitation and soon burns dry, leaving Ethan in an overlapping shadow with no edge, but not before portents can settle in. A grip pulls at his legs like tendrils under a rush of black water, in pursuit to drown him in fear.

As Ethan struggles against the gripping tendrils, his heart races with fear. He fights to break free, his mind racing for a solution. Suddenly, a glimmer of light catches his attention in the distance. With renewed determination, he pushes forward, battling against the suffocating darkness that surrounds him.
As he inches closer to the light, the tendrils tighten their grip, intensifying his struggle. Ethan's mind races, frantically seeking an escape plan. Desperation fuels his courage as he gathers everything within reach, determined to fight against the tendrils, grasping for any chance of breaking free.
To his astonishment, the tendrils gradually loosen their grip. With a firm grip on a piece of metal, Ethan persists in relentless attacks until the tendrils vanish from sight. Seizing the moment, he resumes his escape, driven by unwavering determination to reunite with Alice and Olivia.
Navigating through the ever-shifting shadows, Ethan's senses heighten. Faint whispers echo through the darkness, taunting him with cryptic messages. Ignoring the unsettling voices, he focuses on locating his companions and finding a way out of this labyrinthine nightmare.
After what feels like an eternity, Ethan stumbles upon a hidden doorway. A glimmer of hope rushes through him as he pushes it open, revealing a dimly lit chamber. Inside, he finds Alice and Olivia, relief flooding his face upon seeing them.
Facing away from him, Ethan drops the piece of metal onto the floor and touches their shoulders. To his astonishment, the girls turn around, their smiles unnerving and resembling possessed replicas of his best friends. Ethan quickly steps back in shock and disbelief, but before he can run off, the floor beneath him opens up, swallowing him like a desert screaming for liberation.
Meanwhile, Olivia and Alice tirelessly search for Ethan, unable to hear his screams from the other side of the room, despite following his tracks. Suddenly, they come across another door, one that was not visible to Ethan earlier. Olivia hesitates, holding her head in panic, expressing her apprehension. Alice tries to calm her down, resting her hand on Olivia's shoulder.
"Olivia, Ethan is strong, and he will survive," Alice reassures her. "If we don't go in there, we won't be able to find him. We've searched everywhere, and this is the only room left."
Feeling unsure, Olivia's breathing becomes heavy as she gazes at the entrance. Alice understands her fear, but she also knows they must confront whatever lies ahead to locate their friend. With a determined look in her eyes, Alice gently squeezes Olivia's hand, offering reassurance and encouragement.
"I know it's terrifying, Olivia, but we can't abandon Ethan. We have to trust in our bond and face this together," Alice says, her voice steady and resolute.
Taking a deep breath, Olivia nods, summoning her courage. With Alice by her side, they step into the room, bracing themselves for the unknown that awaits them.

Awakening to sunbeams peering through slit curtains, Father Gabriel is festooned with a rising dawn and the lingering aftertaste of last night's dinner. This morning, his senses are ornate and his attention is peaked, almost alarmingly. He prays and asks, "God, if there's anything you wish to show me, please show me a sign." As if on cue, a morpho butterfly plants itself atop his knuckle. It flies through doors before disappearing in plain sight and reappearing on the other end. Father Gabriel follows with curious intent, leading him through various streets until he reaches vacant tents on the edge of the village. A brooding credence, one with the wind and sky, protrudes ill schemes with just a glance. In the distance, the butterfly makes its way up the sully ravine. Father Gabriel knows what he has to do. He packs his things and gathers villagers with holy water and torches, and they soon make their way up the purlieu mountain. They find remnants of faint footprints without a shadow of a grip, elusively enveloping them in an ominous mistiness, but the blue butterfly remains, forever present, leading the way before bursting into thousands of miniature butterflies once they arrive before the arrayed edifice. It seems possible that this dilapidated structure only stands by the power of some unknown force. "My brothers and sisters," Father Gabriel shouts. "Gather around for prayer." He walks, cross in hand, abstinent of fear, through the unnerving door that bursts open without trouble.

Ethan, in an eccentric state of dissolution, tribulates his ability to assess the current situation before finding himself enmeshed in an unusually thickened goop. As he struggles his way through, his advances are sagacious, following a distinct wildness that is contemptibly bizarre. There is an odd similarity bound to the dreams of his maker. But in that daunting demeanor, coming in the form of his family and friends, a familiar sense slips from his subconscious and onto his mind, an array of magnificence of some sort. They are dancing in esoteric inconsequentiality, if looked at by any other individual but to him. It reminds him of Alice and Olivia. A promise made so long ago that he had almost forgotten. "I will not fret, I will not cry, I will not regret, till I die. Cross my heart and soothe my mind and be that fire within our eyes."

With newfound resolution in accordance with the ample providence provisioning his spirit, seeking past the illusion, shattering its perception like glass, and for a second, he feels his breath come back to him. Feelings return to his joints almost serendipitously, leaving behind the multi-layered homogeneity he felt reaching for him but just out of reach. "I'm coming, guys. I promised we'd get out of this." Alice opens the door, unsure of what tales of horror lurk beyond. She finds herself staring deep into Ethan's eyes. "Ethan? Oh my gosh, you're okay."

"I couldn't let you guys fight this alone, could I?" Olivia embraces him, and they find themselves in a group hug. "Well, let's get out of here," Alice says. "I believe I've had enough of this place." They chuckle, almost forgetting their situation despite its peril. They press onward, courage and morale enthusing them, momentarily replacing their once-trepidation state.

As they ventured forward, guided by a newfound resolve, the trio of Ethan, Alice, and Olivia traversed the labyrinthine corridors of the dilapidated structure. The air was heavy with an otherworldly aura, and the faint echoes of whispers and distant footsteps seemed to follow their every move. But they pressed on, fueled by their collective determination and the unwavering bond between them.
Through each turn and winding path, they encountered surreal sights and inexplicable phenomena. Strange symbols adorned the walls, glowing faintly with an ethereal light. The floor beneath their feet seemed to shift and change, as if alive with an ancient energy. Yet, they remained undeterred, their spirits emboldened by their shared purpose.
As they reached a particularly foreboding chamber, a chilling breeze swept through the room, causing their hair to stand on end. The flickering candlelight revealed cryptic inscriptions etched into the stone walls, hinting at forgotten secrets and ancient powers. However, their determination did not waver. They knew that they were on the precipice of a pivotal moment.
With synchronized steps, they approached a towering door that seemed to pulse with an invisible force. As Ethan reached out to touch it, a surge of energy coursed through his veins, sending a shiver down his spine. The door creaked open, revealing a blinding light that spilled forth, illuminating their path ahead.
Stepping into the brilliance, they found themselves in a realm unlike anything they had ever imagined. Vast landscapes stretched before them, adorned with vibrant colors and fantastical creatures. It was a realm of dreams and possibilities, where the boundaries of reality seemed to blur.

A surreal halcyon appeared where it hadn't been before and presented itself in immaculate eons. Glistening laughter in the periphery appears as the wind gaunts down an endless vista. This is not what Alice sees. In the center of her eye, several pentacles, elements of pentagrams, and hexagrams come into view. Before lapsing, Alice shakes Olivia and Ethan, realizing their state of bliss, and smacks them to their senses. "It's not real," she shouts. In awe, Olivia contemplates with trepidation in comparison to the apparition that feeds on interlopers, considering the semicircles conveying the room they're occupying. A self-sustaining vital force sits dead center, surrounded by an all-encompassing fire, emanating from distances and angles that would be impossible by normal means, yet proving insignificant compared to the spellbinding circle that summoned it here. Candles flicker slightly as Ethan walks towards the circle, while Olivia falls out, saying, "Ethan, don't! From the look of these rituals, it was used to summon demons. In particular, two. One being—"

To be continued.......