

Finding My Better Wholeness
So, I am of the belief that every star that we see represents another entity. SOME young and some old but all infinite in their existence. The age not being determined by the time of it's existence, but by the level of it's consciousness and distance of its expansion! These entities go through process to learn how to control their energies on a very acute scale. Just like the birth of anything in existence, it divides. The moment in which the 1 soul becomes 2 is when entering the firmament. The price the entity pays to go through the GAIA Experience, is to be split up. The drastic split is why we have to find our memory. We instantly go searching subconsciously for completeness. 26,000 years, to reach the 7th dimension, but 1st you have to escape the 7 rings of desire, and incredible magnetic hold of Saturn and it's low vibes. With the energy gained from Jupiter u fight through the astroid belt establish control of masculinity the you meet LOVE, U SPEND COUNTLESS YEARS HERE, AND UPON ELITE UNDERSTANDING OF LOVE YOU THEN MEET YOUR TWIN FEMININITY, THE HARMONY OF THE 2 CREATES 1, AND THEN THE SACRED CROWN(SUN) is devoured, and wholeness of self returns and you began, celestial life!