

Disclaimer: If you feel your life worth not to be happy,this is recommended just only for you.

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REASON 4 • Wabi-Sabi
[ ’wäbē säbē ]

It's non-sense if you try to make each and every moments in your life perfect. But only make sense,when there are imperfections.

If you take painting with a plane colour with utmost perfect touch and a painting with vibrant colours with imperfect touch,people only love the one with the imperfections.

'Cause it matters when there is colours then being perfect. In fact, you can't be perfect. I can't be perfect. Not a single living thing in this world can be perfect. Because each and everything got its own unique way of perfections in their own imperfections. In some ways,imperfections make us perfect.

But I don't meant, to leave your dress on the cot or to keep your messed up room so as it is. Cause it's not imperfections but a part of your hygiene. Imperfections is way too far from your stuffed wardrobe and coffee stained cloth.
It's something we have in our life that can't get off but accepting ourselves.

That time when you're comparing yourself with someone else. Maybe it's you're not that fairer as your friend. May be your income is lower than your co-worker. Or maybe your works are not getting the way that your friend is getting.
And that is what I really want to tell about.

I know,sometimes you feels discomfort When you're going out with a friend farer than you. It's hard when your colleague get more fame than you. Yeah it's difficult when you feel you're just a step back from someone you know.

But is that really a matter?

See,this world could not be this best if everyone in the world is farer,richer and at high levels. Or else, then why can't God create a world with such a people rather than the world we're living now?

There we can see, world will be only completed with incompleted factors. If everything is complete then what is the point of this life?

So the first thing you should ever know is acceptance. Accept that you're just beautiful the way you are. If you change from you,you can't be the You.
And accept, each person got his own unique way of life. And they're living it in their own way. If you try to be someone,you will end up being no one.

And other factors are also like the same way. In case of money,it's always travelling from one hand to another. What if the next hand of the money is yours?
It's possible. So don't lose hope. Everything take time and something needs to be permenent in life. That will only make you good.
Don't think your imperfections are your flaws. Give them colours.They are your perfections. They make the person whome you are,you was and you will.

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Be Happy until we meet again💖

To be continued.

© trusfrated.girl