

The Silver Bullet: Chapter Twelve "Little Red Foot"
While I am not one to be given into superstitions.

I can tell you, that staying night after night for a couple weeks in a cemetery can get a bit creepy.

Digger to his credit had hid me away in a tool shed on the far backside of the Cemetery.

The conditions weren't ideal and this wasn't exactly the future I had visualized for myself.

When I left the Train Station in Pennsylvania or in St. Louis.

Yet here I was hiding in a tool shed like a fugitive from Justice.

Not knowing what my next steps in my life were going to be.

All I knew is that I couldn't afford to be seen.

I also knew I couldn't live the rest of my life in a tool shed.

Something in my life was going to have to give.

Luckily for me Digger was not only bringing me some of his Texas Chili to eat, but he finally had some news for me.

"Sam, I got a way to get ya outta here. It won't be easy and sures not going be comfortable."

Digger had my attention I was ready to go.

Just tell me how it's going to happen and I was ready.

"Well Digger, what's your plan for getting me out of here?"

"Sam, Little Red Foot the Comanche Indian that was working at the General store for Mr. Fletcher died yesterday in his sleep"

"Sorry, to hear about that Digger, but what does a dead Indian have to do with me?"

"A lot Sam, if you want to get out of here"

"I don't get ya Digger, you got to explain this one to me"

Digger, looked at me as if I had gotten hit on the side of my head with a shovel.

"Sam, you weren't exactly a genius in the classroom were you?"

"What is that suppose to mean! Digger?"

"Sam, do you think for a moment Laredo or any of it's good upstanding citizens is going to put up with a savage being buried next to their love ones"

" Digger, if that's the case.
Why are they bringing the body out here.
If you're not going to bury him?"

"Mr. Fletcher doesn't want the body of Little Red Foot traveling across Texas in a burlap gunny sack.
Mr. Fletcher wants to Show the Comanches his graditude for allowing Little Red Foot to work for him."

"I take it Digger, that Little Red Foot work a long time for Mr. Fletcher."

"27 years Sam.
Mr Fletcher and Little Red Foot were as close blood brothers.
but, Sam it didn't start off that way. It was evil as I ever seen evil'

"Digger, what do you mean it was evil?"

"Sam, about 30 years ago Little Red Foot was on a raiding party with the rest of the Comanches.
Burning down houses and killing anything that could walk on two legs.
During one of those raids Mr. Fletcher's wife Alice and his daughter Rebecca were killed.
Little Red Foot was 17 years old at the time.
He was responsible for killing both of them"

I was completely stunned when Digger told me this

"Oh my God, Digger !
How can you have a man work for you.
Who murdered your wife and child?"

"Sam, you ain't the only one whoever ask that question ?
Sam, Mr Fletcher is a stronger man then a lot of people in these parts but, it's not with a gun. It's with his heart.
After murdering Mr. Fletcher's wife and daughter.
Little Red Foot was bucked off his horse and broke his leg.
I was told that Mr. Fletcher with his face full tears walked over to Little Red Foot with his shot gun looking to kill Little Red Foot.
Yet Sam, for some reason Mr. Fletcher couldn't pull the trigger.
I guess it was because Mr. Fletcher is a strong Christian man and he believes in that forgiving stuff.
The good book talks about."

"Digger, So how did Little Red Foot wind up working for Mr. Fletcher?"

"Sam, what happened next was the strangest thing to understand. Instead of killing Little Red Foot.
Mr. Fletcher made a splint for Little Red Foot's broken leg laided him in his buckboard and took Little Red Foot to the very place the Comanches were holding camp.
Then a couple of years later Mr. Fletcher while working in his store collapse.
His body hit the floor hard.
He was shaking like he had the palsy.
Then his body stiffen up up like rock.
Mr. Fletcher was alive, but he couldn't move or talk.
Nobody around these parts knew what to do.
So, they put Mr. Fletcher in his bed and locked his store up.
Some how Sam, word got back to the Comanches.
They arrived into town with about 30 indians and their medicine man telling the Sheriff.
They could help Mr. Fletcher"

"Digger, the Sheriff allowed it?"

"Sam, Mr. Fletcher was dying and the doctor didn't know what to do.
So, the Sheriff wasn't in a position to turn down the Comanches offer to help"

"Digger, that still don't explain how Little Red Foot spent the next 27 years working for Mr. Fletcher?"

"Well Sam, that's how life, sometimes does funny stuff that we can't explain"

" When Mr. Fletcher got where he could talk, but was too weak to really do anything else.
The Comanches told Mr. Fletcher that Little Red Foot would be his servant until the day he died.
Sam, that was 27 years ago and this afternoon. Little Red Foot will be returning to his people. Sam, I got one more thing I need to tell ya"

"What's that Digger?"

You're going to be in that casket with Little Red Foot.
That's how you're getting out of Laredo.

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