

The inseprable us
Marie and I have been married for six month but it feels like a decade of togetherness with her she was the most beautiful girl I ever saw in my life , and her smile is what I crave for , she was my supporting pillar in my thicks and thin , I remember when I saw her first time in my university she was the same to me till now. but things got different for us !
One day I came back home from work as normal. I saw Marie was sitting silently beneath the bed resting her back towards it and weeping silently I slowly press the door and I entered in , she started to wipe her tears immediately and smile towards me.
Trust me her smile with that glistening eyes where just looking heavenly to me. I sat next her holding her hand leaning forward and asked her what happen baby ? why are you crying ? she didn't answer me but constantly just stared at my face . I hold her tightly I slowly said with my lips please say me Marie if you would not then I cannot stay in peace until I get to know what things is disturbing you . she opened her delicate lips to say " Robert my darling you know I love you alot and I know you possess the same feeling towards me ". she stoped for a second then again started to speak
" Robert I am missing my parents so much I was thier only daughter . My father used to lift me in his arms and cuddle with me when he gets back home from work and brought me so many gifts everyday and my mother she always love me immensely and used to cook pies for me every weekend , I miss them so much ! I know they are seeing me from heaven , smiling to me but I miss them ! I miss them alot Robert. please promise me you will never leave me alone promise me you will always love me till the end of our breaths and promise me you will always be at my back .
I have no one with me just you " after saying this she started to cry more with pathetically . I was shattered to see her condition cause she was the braverst girl I ever met but she was crying like a small child .
I started to wipe her tears and hold her face with my hands and whispered slowly " baby I love you the most , I don't want anything from this world but it's just you , I promise I will never leave you alone I promise I will be there for you but please don't you ever cry again it chills my heart's please marie , I am there with you ! so this what you were crying for or any other problem ".she stared me with a pale face and slowly started to smile and said " no baby it was the thing I was crying for nothing else " I slowly brought her forehead towards my lips and kiss her and hugged her tightly .
That night I didn't slept properly I was worried about her condition and decided that this upcoming weekend I will take her to a small vacation away from here thinking of this my eyes slowly got shurt and I slept . Next day when I woke up the day was as usual , beautiful birds cherping around, the wind was flowing through the curtains I yawn with my hand streched and turn towards the bed to see if marie is still sleeping but her place was empty . I murmur to myself " she must be kitchen or bathroom " and then I started to on my laptop to check for an email from my company . Then again my mind diverts towards the fact that it has been 15 minutes and Marie not yet came to our room or shouted me to wake me up . I decided to go and check , I checked the bathroom , the storeroom , the lawn the living room, atlast I decided to check the kitchen, may be she will be cooking something . As I entered the kitchen I saw dots of bloods spread everywhere my heartbeat increases at the corner of table I saw Marie with her wrist bleeding and a knife in other hand I ran towards her took her in my arms " I shouted Marie Marie wake up baby what you have done " my heart pounder with a throbbing pain to see marie like this, tears were coming out of my eyes like a flowing river. I held her in my arms and checked her pulses but alas ! that was the heart breaking moment of my life . I was completely traumatise , I was completely shocked I was shouting her name with the pain and then I started to yell " marie no !you promise to live with me why ? why did you left me Marie why " l screamed with a groaning pain then suddenly my vision got blured and I falled unconscious . After few hours when I wake up I found my friends besides me sitting with tears holding me. They said to calm me down but I started to cry again " Marie ! Marie ! where's marie hey you Charles I am talking to you where's my marie " he calmed me and said " she is right with you buddy she is in your heart forever smiling to you , she is in you "
after hearing Charles I breakdown once again . we performed the final rites of her and trust me she was looking the same when I saw her the first day beautiful and vibrant . I said the final goodbye to her by kissing her forehead whispering in her ears " I always love you baby and always will "
I came home that evening, the fact which was breaking me was that I couldn't help her out . what problem was she facing I couldn't cope out her from it this was the only regret I have in my heart forever.
I went to my bedroom I felt she is still sitting on the bed and smiling toward me . I saw a note at the table I opened the note and I started to read " I love you Robert my boy and sorry "
I break down once again .
years passed and I still know that
she is with me in my heart and forever will be "she is inseprable from me ".
© aayeshaa..