

In the era of the Sanatana dharma
An ancient most Dharma, the Sanatana dharma,the only dharma.here life revolves around tranquility. vegetation flourished, Sea used to be so pure. Animals did not fear humans,
Humanity outdated insecurities. humanity lasted for many ages , infact humanity was born in this era.

Telepathy used to be such a powerful tool,
now they are rumoured around like a fool's talk to those who managed to preserve it and use it skillfully.
Subconscious minds were so proactive that
scientists and doctors emerged in form of saptrishi and rishis on its own randomly to write the miracles of supreme God that rendered them all with high mediocrity.

Because people respected stones, so they carved sculptures and monuments with subconscious power of positivity .Kohinoor the powerful stone was formed out of such love.

Nobody bothered to run after Gold or gem stones because majority had the heart of Gold. Starvation and hunger used to be two strange word. the generosity was not wasted but was contagious.

People respected Fire as God so they prayed the planet Sun so that the energy emitted by it does futility to the given planet earth.
People respected other planets that revolved around Sun and strengthen it to help individual tame those qualities.

People respected trees, forest and plants which inturn helped us by gifting us unani ayurvedic herbs and medicine. beautiful boon of relentless love sacrificed by our old sages.

People loved animals, protecting,Caring and breeding cattle was the most blissful act of those days. Slaughtering animals was a crime.

Nobody was looked below or above, everybody was rich in kindness, as humbled beings and practiced all the task of servants to merchants in day to day activities.

Souls that perished during this dharma surely must have been born as refined in their next birth. Polished and wise to retain its longevity and to awaken the worth of morally defeated souls they continue to carry the most precious acts of deeds.

let's take a little peek in today's Dharma, it has split artificially woven into fine threads from the thick rope it once used to be.
so you see fake priests running the spiritual shows, inorder to grow alone in most selfish ways.no more God fearing but have got most immature souls.
people pay no heed to their own instincts neither do they work upon their gut beliefs. In search of knowledge they run across shores,but forget to merge with the depth of their own soul that opens the divine doors.

Sanatana Dharma is unique dharma, it ask no bloodshed, neither it fills ears with toxic words, it ask no rivalry, it doesnt forces anybody to change or adapt to evil trachery of other religions. it serves no alcohol nor weeds to play with senses of humanoid brains. but it is here to protect love, kindness,humanity and to uplift souls to righteous path.
Sanatana dharma is most orderly,the most organized medium for the life of single soul to be able to attain in blissful state when compared to others disorganised, incomplete religions that end up bringing out their more or less ugly insights.
Imagine it is very old and strong as china and India , such that other religions are struggling hard ,very hard to wipe its roots. do they know little it's roots are connected to the navel of the God and to mess with it is just to wake up the God of destruction.
And when he Destroys he will do it so perfectly that nobody can be missed out in the devastation including that of the provoking kin.