

12:35am horror
12:35am, already past midnight. I am lying on the bed trying to sleep but then there is something which doesn't let me sleep.....it just makes me look at it...no matter how hard I try to avoid it.

I try to keep my hands off it....but then there is some kind of force....causing my hand to move towards it. Making my fingers grasp onto it.
WHAT SHOULD I DO?..... my mind repeats this question .
A silent voice whispers.....'NO! Close your eyes.....Sleep'.

But then there is another whisper. A whisper that only I can hear. Its coming from that side. It tells me to look towards it. I try my best but then I could not avoid it.

I HAD TO DO THIS. I pick up my PHONE and look towards it......it doesnt let me sleep and it is the horror story of my life. Silently whispering and telling that I am gonna use it only for half an hour.
'Once Started There Is No End'. The ghost gets attach to my hand and makes my brain under its control that the half an hour turns into many hours.

The ghost that attaches to my hand and controls my brain is 'My PHONE'.
How can I avoid you. You are the horror story of my life which I can never get enough of.