

Escape and hide
Far away, tucked between the mountains of the Rockies, is a valley hidden from sight by the towering piles of rock surrounding it. In this valley, the very place where all of time seems to be frozen and not a moment can be wasted, this valley, where all the world is abuzz, but not with cars nor people, but with the other residents of the world, this valley is a quiet place I wish to go when I can't keep up with the speed of life. The cottage that hugs the hillside in the valley seems so warm and cozy compared to the icy cold world out the windows where the snow is blowing through the trees and coating the ground as though a sweater of ice is protecting the world from warmth. The crackling of the fire in the cottage fireplace and howling of the wind through the trees harmonize to create a tune, unique to nature, that holds the listener in a trance like state unable to speak for fear of losing the peace. As the firelight flickers, and the storm rages outside, one can not help but begin to drift off to sleep under the soft warm light and a cozy comforting blanket. But if one were to stay awake, just long enough for the storm to end, they might hear the sounds of other creatures returning to the forest from their safe warm homes. An owl can be heard from the nest on the south side of the cottage, and a pack of wolves reside on the mountain nearby. But fear not for your safety because the cottage protects everything inside and the fireplace is there to lure you to sleep once again.

Everyone has a place they can escape to, even if it only exists in your brain, or a book. We go to that place when it feels like the world is against us and we can't keep up. We hide there when we are afraid of something we don't think we can face. However, at those times, we just need the reminder that every story has a happy ending, because without a good ending, no one would want to read it. So feel free to escape to your cottage, wherever it might be, but remember to come back out when you feel refreshed, because life is more golden than gray.
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