

True Beauty

The sun just arrived at its duty post, waking me up with its golden rays. I eventually got up after the almost endless tossing. I finished doing my usual morning ritual and I found myself in front of a mirror to carry out the most important ritual that was putting on my mask. Reaching for my tools I applied my mask making sure I covered it up, my ugliness.
With my mask on I stepped out into the world with my nose toward the sky. Bringing out my phone I took a last look at my mask, the one I wore so often that I could almost forget what’s laid underneath. The large boulders under my eyes, the wrinkles that threatened to engulf my face, my bulging eyes that threatened to fall from its sockets. All this put together sadly summed up to ME. Throughout my day’s activity I received countless praises from several people as usual. Only if they knew what’s beneath, my greatest fear out in the open, my greatest night mare.
I returned to my room, the only place I’m able to remove my mask without fear. As usual I stood in front of the mirror with my tools to remove my mask. I peeled it off gradually, revealing my face, my shame, my mortification, my misfortune and my curse. I stared hard at my reflection, tears rolled down my cheeks, how could I be this ugly?
Tears flowed uninterrupted, my eyes were swollen and red, my feet felt as if they were stuck in that position, I could not move. I looked in the mirror and blinked several times the image was different, the image in front of me was smiling when I could swear I was still crying. She was gorgeous, her crimson black hair that stopped at her shoulders was dazzling, her verdant eyes so mysterious it tore into my soul and her nose straight and pointed. She was the definition of beauty, the image in front of me was starting to look like someone I knew. I blinked again and I saw it. The reflection was pretty, I mean the reflection was....was stunning. The reflection I saw in the mirror that night changed me.
I stood in front of the mirror to be welcomed by the same reflection I had been seeing for the past two years, the same smiling face, crimson black hair that had grown longer, verdant eyes still holding a lot of mystery, nose straight and pointed. “Beauty comes from within” those were the exact words she said to me that night, and I held unto them ever since. It took me months to realize that the reflection I saw in the mirror that night was me because it was not me at that time. Five months after my encounter with the reflection I finally understood what she meant by “beauty comes from within
”. The understanding made me who I am right now, it made me the reflection I saw in the mirror that night, it made me the reflection I was seeing in the mirror right now, it made me appreciate God’s work, ME.

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