

that fragile girl🫠
I hate how easily I get hurt by people. Some of them make me sad and make me feel like I am a worthless person to them. Sometimes, I can't endure the pain that they brought into my life. It makes me think that I am unworthy of love. It makes me feel like I am not enough for them to be treated well. I wish people would be aware of their words and actions. I don't want them to take advantage of all the kindness that I show them. I want my love and kindness to be reciprocated. I hope people know how important it is to be sensitive to others' feelings. Because sometimes, pain can last longer than expected. It's never easy to forget the pain, and I hope that people will always know that. I hope they will know how hard it is for someone to heal.

I am one of those who never heals easily when I'm hurt. It takes me years before I can ever get over the pain because I know somehow that I don't deserve it. I hate that I have to feel too much when I'm hurt. Sometimes, I wish I didn't care too much for anyone so that no one could hurt me easily too. I hate how it breaks my heart to watch people treat me badly, and I hate that I have no other choice but to bear it.
© _nostalgic_nymph__