

Live it..Love it..Leave it..Chapter five
" sasha! Do you still want this man back in your life?",her mother was fuming. All these things are beyond her comprehension.
" cheating a woman..! No gentleman would do that..how come such an educated person would ever dream of doing it?" Leave alone being a gentle man..no ordinary man would prefer such life..Sasha thought vaguely.
" hmm...I just don't understand..." her mother stamped her legs. sasha's phone started ringing..it was sanjitha calling her. why should she call her? what could she do in the whole affair?
Human mind can be the most complicated thing in the world. Till then sasha was ready to do anything for Nithish..but in that second something snapped inside her. she could eloborate her story to her and both can join hands to bring him down ftom his pedestal..she can wreak vengeace if she wanted..is she ready for that? or else..she could hear sanjitha's version of the story to find out the truth. But what made sasha to react in the way she did..she could never fathom till day.
she picked up the phone.
'' yes..sasha here"
" I am sanjitha..we met in Nithish's sister marriage..I want to talk to you"
They have spent a day together long back in that marriage function. All those memories came back and what she felt was disgust..total disgust for the whole thing.
" I am not getting you.. besides I am in a meeting and I have nothing to talk to you", sasha's voice was sharp and steady.
There was silence on the other end.
' okay...I understand that you are not in the mood to talk", the line went dead.
Sasha threw her phone and sat down on the sofa heavily.
"Are you okay? shall I get you something to drink?", her mother sounded worried.
when her mother brought her a cup of chilled lemon juice, she found Sasha calm and composed. At that singular moment sasha decided..she is going to put a big full stop to everything..enough of this nonsense..no more washing the dirty linen in public..she wanted to get away from this..forever...The devil has been given its due..
(to be contd.)

© nandini bose