Live it..Love it..Leave it..Chapter five
" sasha! Do you still want this man back in your life?",her mother was fuming. All these things are beyond her comprehension.
" cheating a woman..! No gentleman would do come such an educated person would ever dream of doing it?" Leave alone being a gentle ordinary man would prefer such life..Sasha thought vaguely.
" hmm...I just don't understand..." her mother stamped her legs. sasha's phone started was sanjitha calling her. why should she call her? what could she do in the...
" cheating a woman..! No gentleman would do come such an educated person would ever dream of doing it?" Leave alone being a gentle ordinary man would prefer such life..Sasha thought vaguely.
" hmm...I just don't understand..." her mother stamped her legs. sasha's phone started was sanjitha calling her. why should she call her? what could she do in the...