

Warriors #13 Lost
Robin declared the remaining army to attack him immediately to save Ryan. The sand demons were more powerful than expected. Then a sudden sandstorm occurred and the sand demons dispersed. Well that was a perfect chance for Ryan to escape. And escaped safely while pushing Xarain aside to make his way. King Richard was injured by the sandstorm. And looks like the army also didn't survive. It was a large sandstorm. That even Xarain's army didn't survive. But they started to form again. Robin tried to help King Richard. But he said "There's no time left. We have insufficient army. Robin escape from here with others. Xarain wants to deal with me. He won't chase you. And with greater preparation come back and don't let his plan successful and you have to meet the dominator.

Robin replied " No, I can't leave you." King Richard replied "Don't worry go. That's an order." Robin have to agree so they escape leaving King Richard behind. Xarain came near to injured King Richard. And said " Long lived the King. Don't worry I will send them also to heaven." And pushed the sword through his stomach. And with his hand brutally took out his heart and kept it in a box with his blood also. And returned with the sand demon army.

This is the End of Season 1. I will be posting next parts soon. Please read my next new story prologue.

#Brutal #Sacrifice
#Royal_heart #Warriors

© ~Manya~