

Historical Fate: Chapter 1°♡
Ancient times,what an interesting topic to talk about isn't it?we all know the basics:war,attacks,destruction,kings,queens,and mostly taking control of towns, cities and countries. One more thing about the past is slavery,you know all the master- servant stuff,pain and piece,loss and gain,hatred and love,and well many other things that will be kept for later. Though what if there was a change, a change in commands or maybe a change of heart? We might never know the real reason behind such conclusions..........yet......
Let me take you through time! Explore what happened in the past that you think is boring, useless,and well what you think but if u know a certain story that happened before you might never get it out of your head..litterly. Could it be a slave that fell in love with the owner...or maybe the opposite?
What will happen to that poor person after they discover what they didn't know about people.....maybe they could be the next horror story told on halloween or maybe a love story on Valentine's day....you might never know.....yet...... So be warned this is no regular history lesson....but a tale to never be forgotten ever again.

~year 1635~
"Come on get them all!" A voice rang through the crowd."Get every last one of them, don't let any escape from your grasps!"said the old man. huh!? What just happened!? Everyone was running around, screaming,pushing, and...oddly begging for mercy! Just now I repeat 'what happened',everything was calm but changed in an instant.
"Hey kamira why don't you go to town and buy some apples...if there are any good ones" "sure ma". You all might be wondering who kamira is. Well she is an African girl with tan skin,green eyes, and long dark brown hair which she keeps tied up in a ponytail most of the time. She lives with her mother in Gambia which was a poor country to live in..But what could they do after all, they didn't have anything,no piece,no respect, and no rights. Kamira was still young about 17 years old yet she didn't know about the danger the world outside Gambia had to offer,she didn't know about the hatred outsiders had towards them nor the trading that happened...let us continue....

Kamira walked away from her 'home' u can call it...it was nearly a home just an old cottage but it suited them surprisingly. She walked down the rocky road towards the market place with a basket over her head shading her from the burning sun rays. Even though time was rough, children still found a way to entertain themselves but with Kamira it was different, her mother was in her 60s so she needed help and Kamira didn't want anything to happen to her mother so she helped her around the 'house' and in town too. Kamira walked inbetween the wooden stands at the market place when she heard someone say "hey Kamira wait up!" The voice came from her best friend Oc but that is just what kamira calls her,her real name is Octavia,Oc is better though. Oc has curly black hair, brown eyes and a tanner skin. She is really nice and sweet but the there are some times that make me wonder if she is normal....I doubt that, so when she plays tricks,annoys, and distracts her, i feel like she has been dared to see to what level she can annoy her the most. "So how are u doing friend?" "As usual" ".......what?" "Really you are so stupid...." "Hey!" They continued their way to the Apple stand laughing and talking. After they arrived she greeted the man "hello Mr. Rick, how are you doing?"" Hello kamira,Octavia I'm quite fine,want some apples?""yeah please""here choose the ones you want.""ok." Then a scream was heard....*End of Flashback.*

I came back to reality when someone pushed me to the ground while running, then a girl ran up to me yelling "run! Don't let any of them catch you!" But before I can ask her anything she ran away almost tripping on her way. 'What did she mean, run away? Who is here to catch us and why?' .Then I noticed a man at the front of the market wearing a blue and white uniform,he was sitting on a black horse looking ...proud? 'Was he happy this is happening... honestly....how cruel, why doesn't he do something!?' "Come on Kamira we have to run! They already got so many people!" Oc helped me off the ground them took my hand and started running, "wait, why are we running ,who were these people?"" I will tell you later just run!"

We then ran and ran further away from the market place. After that I got tired and told her "let's just stop for a few minutes, I am tired." We then stoped under a Baobab tree and sat down,we took a few deep breathes to calm down but I just couldn't, my heart was about to explode out of my chest, to the point where it was actually hurting me and I couldn't hold it anymore"who were these people? Why were the town's people screaming? Why did we run? What did you mean by' they got people'? What will happen to the people who got caught?""woah woah slow down! One question at a time!"" Sorry..." " first question?" "Right....who were these people or that man on the horse?" "Those where king Edward's soldiers and that man is Luis fouyon the captain of the army. He is always up to help the king, no matter what it takes" " why were they taking people?" "They will probably take them as slaves" " slaves?" "You dont know what are slaves?!" "No...." "well they are people imprisoned by higher-class people who usually use them for cleaning duties or maybe used in growing crops and harvesting them.....sometimes they even get abused too....." " but that's awful!" "Yeah..." "wait how do you know about that?" "Well my aunt got taken away by them..." "oh I am so sorry!" "That's fine...but we need a place to hide, and fast before they find us."

I nodded and we went on with the journey. As the time past, the night eventually came, the black sky hovered above us as we were walking in the dark eery forest " this is hopless..." " Hey don't give up early Kamira, I am sure we will find a place to stay." Then I saw something through the fog, it looked like a building," look right there come on." We ran until we were standing in front of an inn, we entered and then a man greeted us "hello young ladies would you like to stay here the night?" "Uh yes sir, we want one room please" "sure and how much do we owe you?" " 1 Gambian dalasi please " "here you go" "thank you, your room number is 209". We get up to the room and open the door, it had 2 small beds which looked rather comfy, 1 closet, 1 mirror,a bathroom, and 2 dressers. I sighed and went to sleep, I knew I had a big day ahead of me tomorrow . The next day, we woke up and continued our path, we will continue walking even if it takes hours,we need to find another town since well we can't stay out here in the open!

The next morning,I woke up to someone shaking me "kamira wake up!" "Huh?" "It's time to go on a search remember, a new town?" "Oh yeah let's go." We went down the steps and bid the man goodbye and left the inn. "Hey Oc, do you think we will actually find a new town?" "Well yeah why do you ask?" "Well, I've always wondered if there is anything other than the town or like near it but I never found anything every time I tried and went outside the boarders- I mean!" "Kamira did you actually cross outside the boarders?! They were there for a reason you know!?" "Oc I'm sorry but I was just curious!" "No! You don't understand how the world is! It is not a happy fairy tale place where every thing is happy,bright, and colourful but a horrifying nightmare ready to seize the people that come across it!" I stand there shocked because she never shouted at me before....'is the world that bad'." Sorry Oc I didn't mean to make you worry...." " no I am sorry I shouldn't have screamed at you like that,but just know that you can't trust anyone anymore....just be carful okay?" "Mhm..." we continued our way through landscapes and forests, but then one night, we were walking in a dark and gloomy forest still searching for a home and the food that was consisted from a couple of berries and apples that we had from the market place, was almost finished. Thats when we heard a twig SNAP! It repeated and surrounded us from all the directions, SNAP from here, SNAP from there and finally SNAP from behind. I stood there frozen in placed horrified to turn around but then I summoned the courage and slowly and steadily turned around, and then a bear SPRUNG out of the bushes startling me!"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Oc help!" Though she was nowhere to be found...'huh!?where did she go!? She just disappeared, so this is the way I'm going to die...Please God SAVE ME!!'

Then a gunshot was heard "kamira are you alright?!" "Oh my god thank you Oc,you saved my life! I thought I was going to die!" "Good thing I got to you on time....didn't I tell you to follow me?" "Well I heard something and stopped....then I lost you" "don't be that reckless next time " "that reckless?" "Well yeah, do you really think I can stop your foolishness by just saying that?" "Hey!" We heard footsteps coming our way,I bet those were nearby villagers who heard the gun shot! Maybe they can help us "we are over here!" "Kamira shut up!" "But Oc maybe they could help us!" "But what if-" "are you guys alright we heard a gunshot!" A women that looked in her late 30s came to us asking, she had blond hair, brown eyes, and her clothes...'She looks nice' "Well kinda yeah but I was wondering if you could help us. You see..um Well we where in our hometown which is the Taigo Town and then these people came and started taking each person to make them...uh s-slaves?" "Oh dear you must have been traumatized, let me take you to the village okay?" "Oc?" "Fine." We walked wifh the women a couple of minutes and then we found ourselves in a bright town with people chatting with one another,"wow this is so beautiful !" I beamed. "Yeah well the Sagai Village is known for its beautiful lights, people, and the festivals that we throw every night" "even night?" "That's nice" "oh wow Oc spoke for the first time in forever" I began to sing but then she put her hand over my mouth to make me stop. "You two seem close " "yeah well we knew each other since we were tiny little potatoes learning how to do things." We laughed at that and then we continued through the village. We then arrived in front of a huge building, "wow! You live here?!" "Yeah But it sure is lonely am alone" "I'm sure it is". She opened the door and said "go up the stairs, down the corridor, and to your left you will find a closet, get changed ok? You can wear whatever you want, oh and my name is Silvia by the way" "thank you Silvia! Come on Oc let's go!!!!" I ran up the stairs excited "Kamira wait up!" I can hear Oc calling out for me but I continued running, "this is so big! This big closet only for one person? That's pure luxury!" 'Hmmm....I wonder, what should I wear?......Oh this' "Hey Oc I will change into this, I'll be back!" I ran to the changing room and changed, I wore a black and red skirt,black boots, and a white laced top. I went back and looked at Oc "woah you look AMAZING!" " No I don't I look ugly...like always " " oh shut up!"" by the way, those black jeans and and blue shirt REALLY and I mean REALLY compliment your hair and eyes!" "Well thanks I guess now let's go see where Silvia is" "okay!" We went down to the kitchen after 1 hour of entering the wrong rooms over and over again, we found her preparing some steak and salad and I just melted down at the sight of the mouth-watering, juicy steak and fresh salad from the nearby garden, "Well come on girls dig in! The food will get cold if you stay there" "thank you!" We said in usion. We tasted the food and felt weak at the knees, what a flavour combination! After that we went to the centre of the town to the festival. The sweat aroma of cornbread filled the air, enjoyable music filled the ears, and the warm bond between poeple filled the soul. We danced the night away and ate foreign food that tasted scrumptious.