


If you could, would you migrate to another country to protect you and your family? But where and why? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Or rather not!
Guess you don't want to leave after all.
But why? why don't you want to protect yourself or your family?.Are you willing to pay the price for staying here?

C'mon man, the Gubblins are after your life, they searched my house, thinking you would be here.
Do yourself a favor and escape Pete.

Pete sighs.
'But I don't want to leave you here Jen, you aren't save yourself. I don't have enough to take you with me'. Pete said.

'Pete, they aren't looking for me, save yourself dude'. Jen warns.

'I don't want them to use you to get to me'. Pete said subbing.

'Don't worry about me, I will sort myself out. just say yourself'. Jen said trying to comfort Pete.

© Precious Effiong