

Selfless love is the God's love
"The Influence of Love." What exactly does that imply to you?
Write a story on it.

love is a short and sweet word.
easy to pick but difficult to drop.
It has the arrows hit by the cupid it faints the guards of your heart.
It sits on the crown of your head.

love inspires you to act impulsive
with tight down emotions it moves up
the imagination for the outburst cry,
love's imagination make you the hero
and the rest of the world reaches to zero.

To the child love is with his toys,
to the God love is with eternal souls
love exists in all aspects of things ,it is
not limited till the human hearts.

love is devotion, devoted you become
love is in service, giver you become
love is plentiful in peaceful soul
love is in abundance in wise soul

love is vast and deep like sea and sky
the more you probe into its depth the
astonishing it is to the eyes,
love likes to grow the world of happiness

love ask not your wealth,
love ask not your time
it is possible only in God's love
you are always loved at all times.